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Time felt distorted, minutes feeling like hours, and vice versa.

The cacophony of screams was nearly deafening.

Every hair on the back of my neck stood on end as my eyes darted, catching glimpses of sinister shadows dancing on the edges of the disintegrating blueprint.

I clutched Tix’s hand tighter, feeling a jolt of electricity between us — our joint determination acting as a beacon amidst the encroaching darkness.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw them.

Fire demons, their malevolent eyes gleaming like burning embers, emerged from the shadows.

Their sharp, clawed fingers reached out, trying to snatch pieces of the plans and engulf them in flames.

The already unstable dreamworld was being further attacked, the odds stacked heavily against us.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Tix summoned an ice sword — its shimmering, crystalline blade reflecting the eerie glow of the dreamworld.

I concentrated, and a gigantic water pistol materialized in my hands.

As absurd as it seemed in this surreal environment, its gushing water was potent against the fiery assailants.

“Ready to make a splash?” I quipped, aiming the pistol at the closest demon.

Tix chuckled, even in the dire situation.

We fought valiantly, drenching fire fiends and freezing others in place.

The air was a mix of steam from my water and icy mists from Tix’s sword, creating a foggy atmosphere, making it even harder to discern friend from foe.

As much as we tried, it was evident that there were just too many of them, and our efforts were merely delaying the inevitable.

“Grace!” Tix shouted over the din. “We can’t stay here. We need to move!”

I nodded, already spotting another group of demons sneaking up behind us.

Together, we began our retreat, running through the maze of corridors in the rapidly deteriorating blueprint, all while defending against the fiery onslaught.

Every few steps, a fire demon would leap out, and either Tix’s icy blade or my gushing water pistol would have to fend it off.

It wasn’t just the monsters we were up against; fragments of buildings kept plummeting, threatening to squash us at every turn.

Then, amidst the haze and chaos, I spotted it.

At the end of a long, narrowing corridor stood a door, distinct from any other we’d seen in this dreamworld.

It bore a vibrant red cross on its surface — a sign that seemed like a beacon in our darkened surroundings.

“There!” I shouted, pointing. “Tix, the door!”

His eyes followed my outstretched arm. “We need to get there. Now.”

We bolted towards it, our breaths coming fast and ragged.

The fire demons sensed our intent, their screams growing louder, more frantic.

More and more of them poured into the corridor, like an unending tidal wave of flames and fury, while the falling debris seemed to target our path with increased precision.

The door was close now, so tantalizingly close.

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