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“Hang authority!” I snapped. “Just open this damn door!”

“Negative,” Computer repeated. “You lack—”

“No...” I muttered, the world dimming.

Stars danced in my vision and I felt myself growing weak.

My fingers grazed the cold surface of the door before everything turned black.

* * *

The dreamworld stretched around me like an endless expanse of starlit skies and vast horizons.

It felt both surreal and comforting, but I felt lost, floating in the midst of it all, desperately searching for a familiar touch.

Suddenly, a warm hand wrapped around mine, pulling me out of the void and grounding me.

I spun around to see Tix, concern deep in his eyes, but a hint of a smile on his lips.

“Tix!” I exclaimed, my heart racing as I rushed into his embrace.

His arms around me momentarily made the world’s chaos fade away.

He chuckled softly, his grip tightening around me. “I knew you’d find me here, even in this dreamscape.”

“But how? The champagne…”

Confusion bubbled up, but he nodded in acknowledgment. “I drugged it,” he confessed. “I needed to knock Fleth out and encourage you to sleep, just long enough for this conversation.”

I stared at him, trying to process everything. “You risked it all, just for this?”

He cupped my face gently. “I had to tell you how to get out. In the real world, our hands are tied. Here, we can plan.”

Taking a deep breath, I listened as he detailed the escape. “You’ll need to drag Fleth to the door and use his hand on the scanner. Once it’s unlocked, I’ll be right there. Trust me.”

His words resonated with determination, and his gaze held mine, filled with promises.

As he leaned down, our lips met in a kiss that felt like a blending of souls, the dreamworld shimmering in response.

When we parted, my voice trembled. “Tix, I’m terrified. What if he wakes up when I get back?”

He held me tight, his voice soothing. “He won’t wake up. Not until you get that door open. Understand?”

The force of his presence made me nod.

Reality began to blur the edges of our dream.

His voice grew distant, but his message was clear. “Wake up, Grace. Remember what to do.”

As the dream faded, the cold reality pressed in.

The weight of Fleth’s body nearby and his loud snores filled the air.

Tix’s words echoed in my mind, giving me strength.

It was time to act, and with every ounce of courage, I started my escape, knowing he’d be waiting for me on the other side.

* * *

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