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I paused, tilting my head to get a clearer look.

Grace followed my gaze, her brow furrowing in confusion. “What is it?”

I pointed upwards, towards a seemingly nondescript section of Uhah’s cell wall.

Grace squinted, the abnormality becoming clearer.

Etched across the vast expanse, like a scar on the smooth skin of the universe, was a hairline fracture.

Its presence was an anomaly, a tear that shouldn’t exist in a realm where the boundaries between reality and imagination were fluid.

“That… wasn’t there before, was it?” Grace murmured, her voice quivering with a mix of awe and apprehension.

I nodded slowly. “It seems our actions have repercussions far beyond what we imagined.”

The crack was shallow but distinct.

Like a distorted mirror, it seemed to reflect the reality we had momentarily disturbed, serving as an unsettling reminder of the fragility of this plane.

Grace gently touched the crack, her fingers trembling. “Did… I do this?”

I thought back to the screams she had emitted and the effect they’d had on the monsters in the nightmare.

Had there been a tearing sound too?

I wasn’t sure.

There had been too much going on.

“I’m not sure,” I admitted. “Dreamscapes are resilient. They’re built on the foundation of memories, emotions, and experiences. They’re not infallible. This… this might take time, and we need to be cautious.”

Grace pulled back her hand, her face pale. “We’ve altered something, haven’t we?”

I nodded. “Every action has a consequence, Grace. And sometimes, they ripple across realms.”

She shuddered. “So what do we do now?”

I took a deep breath. “First, we rest. Then, we find a way to fix this.”

For a few moments, we stood there, hand in hand, gazing at the crack that had transformed the familiar terrain into unknown territory.

It was a sobering reminder that even in a realm where the impossible was mundane, there were limits.

And as we navigated away, one thought echoed in my mind: in our quest for answers, we had inadvertently unmasked a new enigma, one that threatened the very fabric of the dreamworld.

The journey ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear: we had to tread carefully, for the balance between dreams and reality was more fragile than we’d ever imagined.

* * *

Sunlight streamed into the cramped prison corridors, bouncing off the cracked walls and casting a faint glow that danced with the dust motes.

I had just dropped Grace off at the Prize Pool and was heading to the mess hall for some breakfast.

Every time I closed my eyes, I was bombarded by fragmented memories of our nightmarish expedition.

I could still feel the heat of the fire monster, the overwhelming dread that engulfed me, and the sharp sting of fear when I believed I wouldn’t make it out.

What still baffled me was how Grace had come to my rescue.

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