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The dim room, with its silent echoes of past decisions, seemed even more confounding now.

“You’re right,” I murmured, forcing a smile for her sake. “We’ve faced worse odds, and we’ve come through. This… this is just another puzzle to solve.”

Grace nodded, her determination shining through. “We’ll come back. We’ll find the answer. Together.”

The room began to fade, the boundaries of the dreamworld dissolving as the waking world beckoned.

The last thing I saw was Grace’s face, her eyes full of love and unwavering belief in us.

As the dream slipped away, a chilling realization washed over me.

The pits were unpredictable, and dangerous.

And something unexpected was looming on the horizon.

A twist of fate, a turn of events, I couldn’t pinpoint it, but a feeling settled deep within my bones.

I was right, and change was coming sooner than I expected…



The iridescent shimmer of the Prize Pool glinted around me, the reflective water casting prismatic light in every direction.

My mind was a whirlwind, replaying the events of Uhah’s dream over and over.

The third test — it was deceptively simple, yet so baffling.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

What were we missing? I mused.

The memory of that room, with its haunting replay of Uhah’s conversation, the turntable, and the shadows of past decisions, loomed large in my mind.

The answer lay there, hidden in plain sight, a mystery we had yet to unravel.

I knew that both Tix and I had the capabilities to solve it, but we were hitting a wall.

The frustration was evident in Tix’s eyes every time we talked about it.

He was in the pits today, his very life on the line.

Unfortunately, word had spread rapidly amongst the prisoners about Tix’s ability.

It was said he somehow had an uncanny knowledge of his opponents’ deepest, darkest fears and then used it to his advantage.

Every clash in the pits was a test of strength, skill, and wit.

Fighters always had a strategy, a game plan.

But Tix?

He was rewriting the rules.

By tapping into their fears, he turned battles into psychological warfare, transforming the pits from a gladiatorial arena to a mind game.

They didn’t know the truth of how he was able to do such a feat, but it was only a matter of time before they did.

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