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Like the snake scribbling on the scrap of paper.

I could feel the weight of every gaze upon us, their collective breath held in anticipation.

A memory of Grace flashed in my mind, the soft touch of her hand, the comforting scent of her hair.

The image from the note she’d sent also surfaced — the Trioculus Serpens.

A creature known for its hypnotizing gaze and unparalleled cunning.

How could I use that against Chius?

I didn’t have one of those creatures with me.

Yet, I had its legend.

Feeling a burst of inspiration, I shifted my stance, trying to mimic the serpent’s unpredictable movements.

I darted left, then right, aiming to confuse Chius.

Every few steps, I’d lock eyes with him, attempting to draw him into my rhythm, to hypnotize him with my dance.

The sand felt warm and coarse underfoot as I shifted and pivoted, its texture grounding me in this surreal moment.

My gambit seemed to be working.

Chius, though agile, was momentarily thrown off by my erratic movements.

A slight smirk tugged at my lips.

I had to be careful.

Underestimating Chius could be my last mistake.

Chius growled, a deep rumble that vibrated through the ground and tickled the soles of my feet.

It was a sound of frustration, a testament to the beast’s growing impatience.

I pressed on, weaving and bobbing, luring Chius into my tempo.

As minutes turned to what felt like hours, my muscles screamed in protest, and my throat felt parched.

The sweet tang of adrenaline coursed through my veins, but I knew I couldn’t keep this up forever.

I needed to find an opening, a brief lapse in Chius’s defenses.

Suddenly, Chius lunged, his powerful limbs propelling him forward at an astonishing speed.

His attack was hasty, a result of his mounting irritation.

Seizing the moment, I ducked, using my momentum to roll out of harm’s way.

As I came up, I kicked up a cloud of sand, aiming it directly at Chius’s eyes.

He roared in annoyance, his massive hands trying to clear his vision.

I didn’t waste a second.

Darting behind him, I aimed a series of strikes at his exposed back, each hit precise, each blow calculated to inflict maximum damage.

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