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Easily sidestepping his charge, I swung, landing a glancing blow on his flank.

He hissed, the sound shrill and jarring.

Despite his size, I realized that agility was on my side.

If I could keep him off balance, keep him turning and readjusting, I could wear him down.

I had to be cautious; one solid hit from him, and it could be the end of my journey.

The crowd roared with every swing, every near miss.

The cacophony was an intoxicating blend of cheers, jeers, and the unmistakable hum of anticipation.

Their excitement was palpable, a thick cloud of energy that hung in the air.

His breaths came in ragged gasps, a mix of exhaustion and determination.

His eyes darted, two watching my movements, two keeping an eye on the crowd.

In those eyes, I saw a flicker of doubt, a seed of fear.

He was tiring, and he knew it.

Spotting an opening, I lunged, my blade finding its mark.

A pained howl filled the air, a visceral sound that sent shivers down my spine.

I felt a momentary pang of empathy; we were all prisoners here, forced to fight for our freedom, our dignity.

But as quickly as the emotion appeared, I pushed it aside.

This was survival, and I had to focus.

With each movement, each parry, and each strike, the sensations were heightened.

The sharp tang of exertion, the cool feel of my blade in hand, the weight of expectation pressing down on me.

Finally, after what felt like hours, I saw my chance.

With a nimble twist and a swift thrust, I managed to disarm him, sending his weapon clattering to the ground.

A swift sweep of my leg, and he followed his weapon.

The crowd’s roar was deafening, a crescendo of sound that filled the pits and vibrated through every fiber of my being.

He lay there, defeated, panting heavily.

Those multifaceted eyes bore into me a mixture of resentment and reluctant respect.

Without a word, he bowed his head slightly, acknowledging his defeat, and retreated.

The taste of victory, sweet and heady, washed over me.

I had overcome the first hurdle.

* * *

I stepped back into the pit, the memory of my first conquest still fresh.

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