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I glanced around, slightly puzzled. “But there’s… nothing here.”

“Exactly,” he replied with a soft smile. “This section is about understanding and accepting the intangible nature of the dreamworld. All that you see, feel, hear, taste, and smell here — it’s all a mirage. Illusory.”

I frowned, still trying to grasp the concept. “But the dreamworld mirrors our reality, doesn’t it? So how can it be unreal?”

Tix took a moment to find the right words. “The dreamworld does reflect our reality, but it’s a distorted reflection. Like looking into a magic mirror. While it might resemble the real world, anything that happens here doesn’t directly impact reality. Imagine reading a book — just because you experience the emotions and adventures of the characters doesn’t mean those events are happening in the real world.”

I tried to understand, letting his words sink in.

The cool breeze around us carried the soft hum of distant memories, and I closed my eyes, letting the sensations wash over me. “So, even if we train here, even if we prepare ourselves in this dream realm, it won’t matter in the real world?”

Tix hesitated, then nodded. “In a direct sense, yes. The knowledge, the skills, the emotional strength you gain here — those will remain with you when you wake. Think of it as mental training. The actions might be fictional, but the growth is real.”

He paused, giving me a moment to process everything. “There is one exception. There are legends of dreamwalkers so powerful that they can blur the lines between dreams and reality. Their actions in the dreamworld have real consequences in the waking world. That kind of power is rare and far beyond our abilities.”

I looked into the horizon, where the golden sands seemed to merge with the azure sky.

The beauty of the dreamworld was enchanting, but Tix’s words were a sobering reminder of its transient nature.

“But Tix,” I began, “if none of this is real, why does it feel so… tangible? I mean, I can touch the sand, I can feel the wind, I can taste the air.”

He stepped closer, his deep eyes holding a universe of wisdom. “Because, Grace, our minds are powerful. They take these fragments of reality and weave them into a cohesive experience. In dreams, our senses are heightened, emotions amplified. It’s essential to remember that while the experience might feel real, the dreamworld itself is not.”

As I tried to wrap my head around the concept, a sudden realization struck me. “Tix, if everything here is illusory, how do I know you’re real? How do I know our connection, our bond, isn’t just a figment of my imagination?”

Tix reached out, taking my hands in his.

The warmth of his touch felt real, solid.

His voice was soft yet firm. “The dreamworld might be a mirage, Grace, but emotions, connections, bonds — those transcend realms. Our bond, the love and trust we share, is as real as it gets. Whether in the waking world or the dream realm, that will never change.”

His words were a balm to my anxious heart, and I leaned into him, seeking comfort in his embrace.

The world around us might be an illusion, but the feelings we share are genuine.


* * *

The ground of the obstacle course seemed to thrum with anticipation beneath my feet.

Everything around me was amplified — the soft glow of the ambient lighting, the low hum in the distance.

Tix gave me a reassuring nod from the sidelines.

I steeled myself, focusing on the first obstacle, a shimmering portal that seemed to beckon me with its pulsating light.

As I stepped into it, the world around me turned molten, and I felt a searing heat envelop me.

Panic surged through my veins as my body vaporized in flames.

Just as I felt the world slipping away, a force yanked me out of the portal and into safety.

Gasping for breath, I felt the strong grip of Tix’s hands on my arms, steadying me. “Easy, Grace,” he murmured, concern evident in his eyes. “It felt real, didn’t it?”

I nodded, shivering despite the warmth of the dreamworld’s atmosphere. “It felt… it felt like I was really burning,” I whispered, still shaking from the sensation.

Tix’s laughter broke through my daze. “Welcome to the dreamworld’s assault course! Every sensation here is heightened. But remember, it’s not real. It’s your mind making you believe it is.”

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