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The pit, which moments ago resonated with the deafening roars of the crowd, was now bathed in a surreal stillness.

The residual glow illuminated the arena, casting an ethereal sheen on the sand.

My eyes adjusted as the brilliance diminished, revealing the aftermath of our unexpected gambit.

Sneik’s support, his once arrogant expression now one of vulnerability, lay sprawled out and motionless several feet away.

His psychic powers, so formidable against individual spirit animals, had been no match for the unified might of the dragon.

I felt a soft touch against my chest.

I turned to face her, seeing a hint of astonishment in her cerulean eyes mingling with a deep pride.

Sneik, his once fearsome demeanor crumbled, squinted into the dwindling luminescence, his arm raised to shield his eyes.

His bleeding wounds and disheveled appearance bore testament to the epic battle that had unfolded.

But what truly captivated everyone’s attention was the magnificent dragon that emerged from the radiant glow.

It was both regal and intimidating, with scales shimmering in hues of gold and azure.

Its wings, vast and magnificent, caught the light in a myriad of reflections, and the intricate patterns on its body told a story of ages past.

A powerful aroma of burnt embers surrounded the creature, with a subtle hint of the wild ocean.

With a sense of awe, Nova and I approached the colossal creature.

The soft sand beneath my boots shifted with every step, and the distant murmur of the shell-shocked audience became more audible.

The dragon lowered its majestic head towards us, its eyes — vast pools of ancient wisdom — locking onto ours.

We both instinctively reached out, our hands making contact with the cool, smooth surface of its snout.

I could feel its immense energy pulsating beneath my fingertips, a rhythmic heartbeat that resonated with our own.

Sneik, perhaps driven by desperation or sheer insanity, let out a feral roar and lunged at me.

But the dragon, with a swiftness that belied its size, interceded.

With a roar that shook the very foundations of the pit, the creature opened its maw, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth.

Before Sneik could retreat, the dragon consumed him in one swift motion.

The crowd gasped, a collective sound of disbelief and shock.

Those who had once cheered for Sneik’s victory now bore witness to his swift and poetic defeat.

Nova and I exchanged glances, an unspoken agreement passing between us.

Climbing atop the dragon, I felt its powerful muscles contract beneath us.

Nova’s fingers intertwined with mine.

With a deafening flap of its wings, the dragon ascended, the force of its takeoff sending a gust of wind across the pit.

I could taste the fresh, crisp air of Ikmal as we soared higher and higher, leaving behind the confines of the prison that had held us captive for so long.

As we broke free, the sprawling landscape of Ikmal stretched out beneath us.

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