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But, with a move that seemed to defy physics, Ashale twisted in mid-air, evading the blade and retaliating with a swift kick that sent Sneik sprawling.

Without missing a beat, Ashale pressed his advantage, moving in for what could be the decisive blow.

As their swords clashed once more, I held my breath, waiting, hoping, and praying for the outcome we so desperately needed.

The energy in the pit shifted, an electric charge of anticipation.

The crowd, sensing a climax, fell into hushed whispers.

All eyes were on the two combatants, their every move scrutinized, their every breath counted.

With a swift, calculated move, Ashale disarmed Sneik, his blade flying out of his grasp.

The arena erupted in cheers, but the battle was far from over.

With a fierce determination in his eyes, Ashale advanced, ready to end this once and for all.

* * *

The sight of Sneik stumbling was my cue.

The air in the pit was thick with tension.

I could feel the warm, grainy sand beneath my feet as I rooted myself, drawing on my inner strength.

My fingers tingled, the sensation intense, as I summoned forth my spirit animal.

From the depths of my consciousness, the mighty tiger emerged, its sleek form materializing before me in a shimmer of light.

Its fierce eyes, burning with an inner fire, locked onto Sneik.

The majestic creature, its muscles rippling with power, launched itself at our adversary with a speed that belied its size.

Its snarl, both thrilling and terrifying, echoed through the pit, drowning out the roar of the crowd.

The sensation of the tiger’s power, its energy, resonated through me.

I could feel its heartbeat sync with mine, its primal instincts merging with my own determination.

Sneik, caught off guard, had just a split second to react.

His massive hand swung out, swiping at the tiger in a desperate attempt to fend it off.

Simultaneously, Ashale lunged, his sword arcing gracefully but with deadly intent.

The two attacks converged on Sneik, but with a show of brute strength, he managed to repel them both.

My tiger dissolved upon contact, returning to the ether from whence it came, while Ashale was forced to take a step back, regaining his stance.

For a brief moment, there was a lull.

I could hear the ragged breathing of the combatants, the air thick with anticipation.

It was thick, almost palpable, the tension coiling like a spring.

Then, to my astonishment, from Ashale’s very being emerged another tiger.

But this one was different.

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