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“Come on, big guy,” one of them grunted as he reached for my arm.

Before I could react, Sneik, who had been lurking by the door, decided to voice my unsolicited thoughts. “You always thought you were better than the rest of us,” he sneered, taking a step closer. “Tomorrow, I win. And Nova? She’ll finally be mine.”

My vision reddened, a surge of adrenaline pumping through my veins.

The very mention of Nova’s name lit a fire within, an uncontrollable need to protect her.

I could hear the dull thud of my heartbeat, echoing the rising tempo of my anger.

My skin burned with fury, my fingers itching to wrap themselves around Sneik’s throat.

As the guards tried to pin me down, I struggled with renewed vigor.

Their grip, cold and unyielding, battled with the heat that pulsed from my core.

Their grunts and expletives were just white noise, a background to the single, overpowering thought consuming me:

I cannot let Sneik have Nova.

Twisting and turning, I managed to break free for a split second, but the guards were relentless.

They pressed on, determined to subdue me, their breaths, hot and fast, brushing against my face.

In the midst of the tussle, the thought of solitary confinement loomed large.

The isolation, the sensory deprivation, the darkness.

I remembered it all too well.

The oppressive silence was punctuated only by the occasional drip of water, the way time seemed to stretch and distort until minutes felt like hours.

But it wasn’t the thought of the confinement that terrified me.

It was the possibility of leaving Nova vulnerable, of leaving her to the whims of Sneik, that gnawed at my soul.

“Wait!” I shouted, desperate for a solution.

The tumult in the room seemed to halt for a brief moment as if the universe was granting me one final reprieve.

Drawing a deep breath, my senses tingling with the urgency of the situation, I pitched my voice, trying to sound as calm and composed as possible, even as my body ached and my thoughts raced. “I have another solution.”

The Supervisor, taken aback, leaned forward, eyebrows raised. “Go on,” he said, intrigued despite himself.

Swallowing the dryness in my throat, I spoke, trying to harness every ounce of my conviction. “One last fight. Tomorrow. If I win, the charges are dropped. If I lose… I’ll accept any punishment you see fit. Double the time in solitary if you want.”

The room was silent, save for the raspy sound of my own breath and the muted shuffling of the guards.

Every eye fixed on the Supervisor as he considered my proposition.

Sneik, face twisted in a snarl, began to protest, but the Supervisor silenced him with a mere glance.

Time seemed to elongate, every second stretching out into eternity, as I awaited the final judgment.

* * *

It was daring, a little audacious, but perhaps it was the jolt needed to keep my freedom and protect Nova from Sneik’s clutches.

“An auxiliary fight,” I began, trying to paint a vivid picture. “Imagine two fighters in the pit, each one paired with someone outside wielding their unique abilities. The roar of the crowd, the sheer anticipation, the unpredictability! It would be the greatest spectacle this prison has ever seen.”

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