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I wanted to yell, to demand an explanation.

How dare he just disappear when the tables were turned?

But as I was about to shift back, something unexpected happened.

Before I could react, tentacles, stronger and more powerful than mine, wrapped around my body, coiling and tightening.

I tried to resist, to break free, but it was no use.

The tentacles were everywhere, restraining me, their suckers attaching firmly to my skin.

My vision was clouded by the sudden intrusion, but as the water cleared, I saw it — the octar, a massive spirit animal with tentacles twice the size of mine.

The realization hit me like a tidal wave — this was Ashale’s alien version of an octopus.

I struggled, but the octar’s grip was iron-clad.

It pulled me close until we were face-to-face, its large, intelligent eyes looking deep into mine.

The sensation was overwhelming — the firm grip of the tentacles.

Ashale’s voice echoed, distorted but recognizable. “Didn’t see that coming, did you?” There was a playful taunt in his tone. “Remember, Nova, always be ready for the unexpected.”

I huffed, bubbles escaping my mouth, but my annoyance was short-lived.

I had to admit, I was impressed.

This was a side of Ashale I hadn’t expected, and it only added to his allure.

The sensation of being wrapped in his tentacles was both strange and thrilling, an intimate dance of trust and challenge.

Our tentacles entwined, we floated in the fantasy realm, two spirits exploring the depths of our connection.

There was no winner or loser here, just two souls finding their rhythm together.

Our tentacled tussle was one of exhilarating sensory overload.

My octopus form tried to maintain its grip on Ashale’s octar, but he was more adept, darting around me, his suckers brushing against my tentacles, sending an electrifying thrill throughout my being.

We rolled end over end, sometimes I was on top, and sometimes he was, in this playful, fluid dance.

Yet, amidst the whirlwind of emotions, Ashale’s voice cut through the water with clarity:

“The dragon! Become the dragon!”

His words startled me.

The dragon.

It was one spirit animal I had not yet mastered in our meditative sessions.

A creature of immense power, the dragon represented a side of me I hadn’t yet fully embraced.

Taking a deep breath, I focused, willing myself to change.

I could feel it, the fire within, the heat starting at the base of my spine and traveling upward.

The sensation was like molten gold pouring through my veins, warm and radiant.

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