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The frailty of the bird was replaced by the solid strength of a tiger.

My heartbeat echoed in my chest, no longer rapid and fearful, but now a steady and powerful rhythm, resonating with primal energy.

My vision, once hyper-focused on the details, widened in scope, colors becoming warmer and richer.

Every sensation was amplified.

The cold, smooth floor of the mental prison felt firm under my padded paws.

The air tasted fresh, each breath an invigorating gust of energy.

As I stretched and flexed, the sinewy muscles under my striped fur rippled, ready for action.

The tarigon, sensing the change, regarded me with wary eyes, the glowing green orbs flicking with both anticipation and caution.

And then, without warning, Ashale’s tarigon charged.

The sound was deafening: our combined roars echoing within this confined space, a raw expression of both challenge and intent.

The ground vibrated under the weight of our movements.

We collided with a force that seemed to shake the very foundation of our mental realm.

Our claws clashed, our teeth gnashed, and our growls reverberated in a symphony of wild ferocity.

The tarigon’s powerful six legs gave it an advantage in stability, but my agility allowed me to dodge and weave, always staying one step ahead.

The sensation of our fur brushing against each other was electric, the friction producing an almost sizzling heat.

Each impact, every swipe and counter-swipe, was a dance of raw power and strategy.

But the tarigon was no ordinary adversary.

Its strength, combined with Ashale’s honed instincts, made it a formidable opponent.

It seemed to anticipate my every move, countering my swipes with its own deft maneuvers.

Our roars and hisses filled the space, a cacophonous duet of challenge and response.

In one particularly fierce exchange, the tarigon managed to pin me down, its massive weight pressing against my chest, making it difficult to breathe.

Desperate, I used every ounce of my strength, pushing against the tarigon.

For a fleeting moment, our eyes locked.

In those swirling green depths, I could see a glint of mischief, a hint of the Ashale I knew outside this realm.

And just as quickly, the moment was gone.

The tarigon had bested me.

As our spiritual forms began to dissolve, transitioning us back to our meditative stances, I could feel a warmth, almost like blushing, spread across my face.

The sensations of our spirited clash still echoed in my muscles.

Ashale, looking every bit the victor, leaned over with a smirk. “You should have zigged when you zagged,” he teased, his voice full of mirth. “Always anticipate the moves, never react.”

I rolled my eyes, even though he had a point.

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