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I laughed, the sound deep and rich. “Meditation differs across galaxies. My people believe in silence, in syncing with the universe’s vibration without creating one of our own.”

She shrugged, mischief twinkling in her eyes. “It doesn’t hurt to try the ‘Om’, you know.”

The coolness of the room enveloped us, and all we could hear was the gentle hum of the prison’s support systems.

I led her deeper into meditation.

With each breath, the weight of reality seemed to lift, replaced by an ineffable calm.

Guided by instinct, I leaned forward, my fingers hovering over the tiger tattoo on her arm.

“Touch my mark,” I whispered.

As she did, I felt a jolt, a force so powerful it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand.

There was a sudden tremor in the air, an electric charge, and for a split second, it felt as if the room itself was alive, pulsating with energy.

Then everything changed.

Nova’s eyes widened in surprise and a bit of fear.

The sensation, I imagined, was like the awakening of a dormant beast within her.

She seemed taller, more robust.

Her essence shifted, and though she was still Nova, she was something more.

She was the embodiment of her tiger tattoo.

In her eyes, I saw the vast savannahs, the wild chase, the raw power of a predator.

But along with that strength came vulnerability.

The fear of the unknown, of the power she was discovering, coursed through her.

Suddenly, her arm flailed, knocking over a stack of my ancient books.

They crashed onto the ground in a cacophony of thuds and the rustling of pages.

“Shhh, it’s okay,” I whispered, trying to calm her down. “Don’t focus on the external. Look within.”

She turned, and though I was deep in my meditative state, she saw another creature, a creature from my home planet, powerful and tiger-like, but distinctly alien.

While it looked nothing like me, she knew, deep down, it was my essence, my spirit.

It was me.

There we were, two beings from different corners of the galaxy, our true selves unveiled, raw, and open in front of each other.

It was a union not just of minds but of souls, a profound connection that neither of us had felt before.

The sensation was overwhelming, intoxicating.

It was a blending of two universes, two realities, and in that moment, it felt like we were the only entities in the vast expanse of space.

I could feel her heartbeat, fast and erratic, yet it synced perfectly with mine.

Time seemed to stretch, the minutes feeling like hours.

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