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They were under his armor and unlikely to be from an adversary in the pits.

They were from his previous Prize, who had struggled to fight him off… and failed.

My heart quailed at the thought that soon it would be my fingernails that scored his flesh.

As he approached, the distance between us felt too short, each step echoing in my ears like a menacing drumbeat.

A mix of dread and determination filled me.

I wasn’t going down without a fight.

Backing up against the door, I drew a deep breath, prepared to scream for all I was worth.

But before I could let out more than a gasp, there was a sudden, sharp knock at the door.

We both froze.

The knock was unexpected, almost out of place in this scenario.

Sneik’s glowing eyes, which were previously fixed on me with a predatory focus, now flicked to the door.

His expression changed from one of single-minded intent to genuine confusion.

I seized the opportunity, scrambling to the farthest corner of the cell, trying to create as much distance between us as possible.

My senses were on high alert — I could hear the erratic beat of my heart, and feel the chill of the hard walls.

The knocking came again, more persistent this time.

“Who dares?” Sneik roared, his voice echoing in the confines of the cell.

There was a pause, then a muffled voice replied, but I couldn’t understand the words he said.

Sneik hesitated, shooting me a quick glance.


Shear anger.

If I didn’t escape soon, he was going to turn all that rage onto me.

The incessant knocking was like the constant buzzing of an insistent fly.

It echoed in the cell, becoming more irksome with each passing second.

I could almost feel the tension in the room thicken, the air heavy with a mixture of confusion, anticipation, and Sneik’s rising irritation.

His nostrils flared with every knock, his growing anger both intimidating and intoxicating.

The subtle hum of the cell’s machinery was drowned out by the knocking, and the taste of anxiety lingered on my tongue.

For the first time since being thrown into this room, I found myself curious about the visitor rather than purely fearful.

Sneik’s patience, which already seemed to be hanging by a thread, finally snapped.

With a swift, fluid motion, he stomped toward the door, yanking it open with enough force that it momentarily caused the walls to vibrate.

The sight that greeted us was unexpected.

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