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“You were broken, Ceara,” she continued, her voice quivering. “They thought that someone like me, trained not just in physical ailments but also with a high degree of empathy, could get through to you. And, well, it worked. You got better. You became responsive. In exchange, the Supervisor said I could go home. But something unexpected happened along the way.”

She hesitated for a moment, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I fell in love with you,” she whispered. “It wasn’t supposed to happen. But every day, as I watched you heal, as I became a part of your life, I realized you were becoming a part of mine.”

I tried to absorb her words, to understand the depth of her confession.

The constant hum of the prison was now punctuated by our synchronized heartbeats, resonating in a rhythm of intertwined emotions.

“When my mission was over, I returned home,” Ellie continued, her voice steadier. “Life went back to its monotonous routine. But every day, every moment, I felt a void. I missed you, Ceara. Every scent, every sound, every sensation reminded me of you. Then, to my surprise, the Supervisor came back.”

My eyes narrowed, anticipating what she was about to say next.

The bitterness in the recycled air grew more palpable, a reflection of the surge of emotions I was experiencing.

“He said he had to bring me back here, to you,” Ellie murmured. “I did want to see you again. But this,” she motioned around, indicating the prison, “being trapped here wasn’t part of the plan.”

Silence settled between us.

My mind raced, processing her words, her confession.

I took a moment, focusing on the tactile sensation of her hand in mine, grounding myself with the feel of her skin, warm and soft.

“I’m so sorry, Ceara,” Ellie whispered, her eyes searching mine for understanding, for forgiveness. “I never meant to deceive you. But my feelings for you, they’re real. They always have been.”

A myriad of emotions coursed through me: betrayal, understanding, anger, love.

The feeling of betrayal settled deep within me, creating a chasm of doubt and distrust.

The dim light in the cell glinted off Ellie’s tear-filled eyes, casting dancing reflections on the walls.

The soft whir of the prison’s air systems seemed louder than usual, a constant reminder of our confined reality.

I stood up abruptly, the cold metallic floor chilling against my bare feet. “So it was all a game?” My voice, filled with pain, echoed throughout the cell. “Just another part of the Supervisor’s twisted plan?”

Ellie hesitated for a split second, then in a rush of motion, she was in front of me, the warmth of her hands as they cupped my face contrasting with the coolness of the prison air. “Ceara, look at me,” she pleaded.

“Yes, I was brought here under the Supervisor’s orders, but what I felt for you, what I still feel for you, is real.”

I pushed her hands away gently, tasting the bitterness of betrayal. “How can I believe you? All this time, you were playing a part, dancing to his tune.”

A flash of desperation crossed Ellie’s face. “If I hadn’t been part of his plan, I never would have met you. And meeting you… falling in love with you, Ceara, that’s the realest thing that’s ever happened to me.”

The sincerity in her voice, the raw emotion on her face, it was hard to doubt.

But the wound was fresh, and it stung. “All those moments we shared, were they just part of your mission?” I growled.

Ellie closed the distance between us. “Every laugh, every touch, every whispered secret, was genuine. It was us, Ceara. Not the Supervisor’s game.”

She leaned in, her lips grazing my ear. “Believe in us. Please.”

I inhaled her scent deeply, letting it envelop me, trying to drown the doubts with the familiarity and warmth of her.

Pulling back to look into her eyes, a resolve started to form within me. “Yes,” I said, my voice filled with newfound determination. “I know. And I love you too. It’s this place. It’s the Supervisor. It’s those who fund this program. It’s all of them. I might not like how we met… but we did meet, and that’s all that matters.”

Ellie whimpered and she leapt forward and hugged me tight in her arms. “I love you, Ceara!”

“And I love you too, little human.”

We kissed and I felt the warmth radiating out from her.

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