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From the shadows, a hooded figure stepped out, a futuristic weapon clutched in its hand.

The weapon, unlike any I had ever seen, had a sleek design, almost fluid-like in appearance.

It pulsed with a soft, violet hue.

Before anyone could react, the hooded figure aimed the weapon at the politician.

A brilliant beam of light, almost blinding in its intensity, lanced out.

The politician crumpled, his scales rapidly shifting from vibrant shades to a lifeless gray.

The room erupted in chaos.

Screams pierced the air.

I tried to pull away, to distance myself from the violent spectacle unfolding before me.

But Ellie’s face kept me grounded.

I focused on the hooded figure, tracking its movements as it weaved through the panicked crowd, skillfully evading capture.

As I concentrated on the scene, my senses began to expand, reaching out beyond the immediate chaos.

My enhanced senses picked up on a series of hidden doors and passageways.

The hooded figure slipped into one of these, making its way to an underground tunnel system.

The dampness of the tunnels was evident.

As the assassin navigated the maze, I committed each turn, each hidden alcove to memory.

The vision began to wane, the images fading.

The machine’s hum receded, replaced by the Supervisor’s voice:

“What did you see, Ceara?”

Drawing in a ragged breath, I relayed the sequence of events, detailing the assassin’s escape route.

The Supervisor jotted down notes, nodding in approval.

“Excellent,” he murmured, rubbing his hands together. “This information will prove invaluable.”

As the machine’s restraints released me, a wave of exhaustion washed over me.

My body felt drained, every muscle aching.

But the physical pain paled in comparison to the emotional turmoil raging within.

I felt dirty, tainted by the violence I had witnessed and the information I had provided.

While the knowledge could potentially prevent future tragedies, it also meant that I had, albeit indirectly, played into the Supervisor’s manipulative games.

As I was led back to my cell, the weight of my actions pressed down on me.

But amidst the overwhelming guilt, a glimmer of hope remained.

If enduring this torment meant keeping Ellie safe, then I would face any challenge, bear any burden.

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