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I glanced at the window, the soft rustle of the trees outside seemingly beckoning me.

But would I make it in time?

Before I could think any further, adrenaline propelled me into action.

I made a dash for the front door, my senses heightened.

I could feel the cool touch of the door handle, the slight resistance as I tried to pull it open.

But he was surprisingly fast and too strong.

In a blur, he was in front of me, blocking my way.

A guttural growl escaped his lips as he grabbed my arm, his grip firm.

The distinct tang of sweat and fear permeated the air, making it hard to breathe.

My heart thundered in my chest, and the sharp sting of tears threatened to blur my vision.

“Why?” I managed to croak out, desperation evident in my voice. “What do you want from me?”

He leaned in, his face inches from mine, the coldness of his breath making me flinch. “You are the key to his ability. Don’t you see? Without you, he has no hope, no future. I put you with him to heal him… but in so doing, you have affected him on a much deeper level than I could have imagined.”

Confusion clouded my thoughts.

What was he talking about?

Before I could ponder further, he released his grip, pushing me back slightly.

“You and Ceara.. .you’re connected somehow,” he said, seemingly talking more to himself than to me. “I can’t separate you. Not anymore.”

I stared at him, a million questions swirling in my mind.

But fear, raw and visceral, overshadowed everything else.

I backed away slowly, every fiber of my being urging me to run, to escape this nightmare.

I wanted to see Ceara again, yes, but not like this — not when I had to be imprisoned along with him.

But what choice did I have?

The Supervisor possessed technology far surpassing anything we had on Earth.

There was no one and nothing that could stop him.

The realization hit me with a crushing weight — I was trapped, ensnared in a web of intrigue and danger that I couldn’t comprehend.

The Supervisor’s laughter, cold and mocking, echoed in the room, a chilling reminder of the power he held over me.

And I knew my life would never be the same again.



The unchanging gloom of my cell was my only companion, and the unwavering coldness of the walls my confidante.

Time was a cruel blur, my once-vivid Distant Visions now a muted haze, hard to grasp.

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