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The audacity of her words and the unwavering determination in her eyes took them aback.

It wasn’t just the guards who were shocked; even I couldn’t comprehend the transformation in Ellie, the once subdued human Prize.

There was an uncomfortable silence, the kind where the weight of the air is felt by all.

The guards exchanged glances, the metallic sheen of their armor flickering as they shifted.

Then, with a curt nod, they retreated.

The heavy door slid back into place, its thud echoing the relief that filled my chest.

I turned to Ellie, my eyes filled with wonder. “They… they listened to you?”

She stepped closer, her fingers brushing my arm. “I couldn’t let them take you away. Not now. Not after… everything.”

Every sensation was heightened at that moment — the gentle hum of the prison’s life-support systems, the cold touch of the metallic walls against my back, and, above all, Ellie’s proximity.

The space between us was thinning, driven by a force that neither of us could resist.

Our gazes locked, and the universe contracted into the space between her eyes and mine.

I could hear the subtle change in her breathing, a delicate cadence echoing my own heightened heartbeat.

My hand instinctively reached out to cup her face, her skin soft and cool against my own, grounding me to the moment.

And then it happened — the slow gravitational pull as our faces drew closer.

The world faded as our lips met.

It wasn’t just a kiss; it was a discovery, an exploration.

The sensation was electrifying, a combination of the familiar and the new.

She was sweet, reminiscent of the trilax fruit, with a hint of her own unique essence.

Our universe condensed into this intimate dance of touch and sensation.

The melding of our lips spoke of longing, of lost time, and of dreams yet realized.

Every suppressed emotion, every shared moment, culminated in this profound connection.

It wasn’t a mere joining of lips, but a merging of souls.

When we finally pulled apart, I felt both elated and breathless.

The world around us seemed to have changed, or maybe it was just the way we perceived it.

We rested our foreheads against each other, our breaths mingling, both of us processing the depth of our connection.

“I’ve never felt anything like that before,” Ellie whispered, her voice shaky.

“Neither have I,” I admitted. “It’s as if the stars themselves ordained this moment for us.”

She chuckled softly, the sound warming me from the inside. “You have such a way with words, Ceara. But yes, it did feel… cosmic.”

In that dim cell, we found a sanctuary.

A place where, against all odds, two souls from opposite ends of the galaxy found resonance.

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