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It felt like a small victory in an otherwise overwhelming situation.

Still, the Supervisor’s office suddenly felt claustrophobic, the harsh fluorescent lighting illuminating the metallic surfaces that surrounded us, casting long, foreboding shadows.

My heart pounded in my chest like a caged bird eager to be free, matching the frenzied thoughts racing through my mind.

I stared at the Supervisor, my gaze steady despite the apprehension bubbling beneath my surface.

If I was to navigate through this labyrinth of emotional healing, I needed control over the situation.

The guards couldn’t just whisk Ceara away whenever they pleased.

I needed time, stability.

I cleared my throat, breaking the lingering silence that hung between us like a dense fog. “I need control,” I began, my voice echoing slightly in the vast room. “Your guards…. they can’t just take Ceara away when I’m trying to heal him. I need more time with him.”

The Supervisor regarded me with an expression that was hard to decipher.

It was as if he was trying to peer into the depths of my mind, to gauge the sincerity of my words.

The sensation was unsettling.

He leaned back in his chair, studying me for what felt like an eternity.

The hum of the prison’s machinery was the only sound that filled the room, the repetitive drone mirroring the persistent drum of my heartbeat.

“Very well,” he finally said, the words seeming to hang in the air before they reached my ears.

The relief that washed over me was instant, like a cool breeze after a scorching day.

But it was quickly replaced by a twisting sensation in the pit of my stomach, a gnawing feeling of trepidation.

What was I getting myself into?

The thought of getting closer to Ceara, of forging a connection that went beyond mere acquaintance, was a daunting prospect.

His world, his experiences were far removed from my own.

Could I really bridge that gap?

As the Supervisor dismissed me with a curt nod, I found my feet carrying me back to the cell.

My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, anxiety and determination warring for dominance.

I was light years away from home, tasked with a mission that seemed insurmountable.



The cell’s dim lighting cast a cold ambiance, but nothing could match the chill of Ellie’s absence.

Her sudden departure left an emptiness within me that I hadn’t anticipated.

Only moments ago, our fingers had brushed, our worlds had teetered on the edge of intertwining, and now, she was gone.

I was disoriented, caught in a whirlwind of emotions.

I was trapped. Alone.

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