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Time seemed to stretch, and the world around us faded.

All that remained was the heavy beat of my heart and the burning focus of his eyes.

As he stepped closer, I could hear the soft thud of his footsteps, feel the warmth radiating from him, and catch a whiff of his scent — a blend of wood, musk, and something wild.

My stomach churned with fear.

But just as quickly, his gaze shifted.

To my left, to Nova.

My friend looked back at him with equal intensity, but there was a spark of defiance in her eyes.

A silent communication passed between them, one I couldn’t decipher.

Then, in a deep, rumbling voice that vibrated through the room, he spoke. “Her.”

A collective gasp filled the hall.

Relief washed over me, but it was bittersweet.

Watching Nova descend from her platform nervously, I couldn’t help but think of the fate that awaited her.

Would she be a trophy, a possession, or would she find some measure of happiness?

And for how long?

As the Champion and his new Prize exited, a hushed murmur resumed amongst the remaining females.

I was lost in thought when a shadow loomed over me. “The Supervisor wishes to see you,” an armed guard said, his voice mechanical, speaking by rote.

Confused, I followed his gaze up to a large window overlooking the hall.

A gigantic figure stood there, watching the proceedings below with a keen interest.

My heart raced once again as I considered this new development.

The Supervisor?

What did he want with me?

Gulping down my anxiety, I stepped off the platform, preparing to face yet another unknown in this bewildering world.

* * *

The door to the Supervisor’s office slid open silently, revealing a room at odds with the elegance of the Prize Pool chamber.

It was functional, filled with screens and holographic displays of Ikmal and its many sectors.

At the center of it all sat the Supervisor, his massive bulk a dominant presence.

He was like no alien I had ever seen — and it wasn’t as if I was an expert with that!

The Supervisor was not just large, he was immense.

Rolls of fat cascaded down his frame, each moving with a life of its own.

His skin was a peculiar shade of green, mottled with patches of yellow, and seemed to glisten under the overhead lights.

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