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Perhaps it was my downfall, perhaps it was our shared destiny, but one thing was for certain:

I wouldn’t let her face it alone.

Whatever came next, we would face it together.

* * *

Piercing eyes from behind ornate masks stared down at us, their unyielding expressions rendering them enigmatic and menacing.

The echoing chants of the Balance had subsided, replaced by an oppressive silence that hung heavy in the air.

The cool stone of the plinth pressed into my back, and the biting restraints chafed my wrists and ankles.

One of the Balance, a taller figure with a mask of deep blues and swirling whites, stepped forward.

Its voice was cold, devoid of emotion. “It’s no use,” it intoned. “We are as inevitable as you are.”

I took a deep breath, tasting the stale air.

I tried to gather my thoughts, fighting back the heady mix of fear and defiance bubbling within me.

Isla’s gaze, filled with a mix of terror and determination, locked onto mine.

Her eyes spoke volumes, urging me to resist, to fight.

The ambient lighting cast deep shadows, emphasizing the hollows of her cheeks and the paleness of her skin.

The softness of her hair against the hard stone slab, the glint in her eyes, everything was amplified in this moment of heightened senses.

The smell of her — a unique mix of earthy and sweet — provided a small measure of comfort.

“They’re wrong about us, Isla,” I whispered, directing my words to her but loud enough for the Balance to hear. “We aren’t conquerors or destroyers. All we’ve ever sought was a life together, a life of peace.”

The masked figure tilted its head slightly. “Your natural inclination is to dominate, to impose your will upon the fabric of this universe.”

Its voice carried a hint of amusement, which only served to fuel my anger.

“That’s not true,” I retorted, frustration evident in my voice.

I could hear the faint rustling of robes and the distant patter of the rain outside. “Your plan worked. Isla is human now, changed from her previous form. Our desires and ambitions are not the same.”

The figure took a step closer, the intricate patterns on its mask shimmering eerily. “Then you are not the mighty Thillak, with a criminal empire that spans the quadrant? Even with just a hint of your gift of foresight, you have exerted great control.”

The accusation stung.

Memories of past decisions, the alliances I had forged, and the enemies I had made came rushing back.

Every choice I had made was for survival, for a future where Isla and I could be together.

The weight of those choices, the good and bad, weighed heavily on me.

“I did what I had to do,” I admitted, my voice thick with emotion. “Every step, every choice, was to create a safe haven for us, away from prying eyes and those who would harm us.”

The slight hum of energy in the air, a static charge that made the hair on my arms stand on end, intensified.

The Balance were undoubtedly powerful, their very presence exuding an aura of dominance.

Yet, there was a vulnerability there, a hint that they too feared something.

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