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Ohara’s ship descended slowly onto the planet’s surface, the thrusters emitting a low rumble that vibrated through the soles of my feet.

Adrenaline tinged my mouth — the sharp metallic bite of entering a new world, not knowing what awaited.

The landing pad was nothing more than a flat expanse of rocky terrain, with the dying embers of the evening sun casting elongated shadows across the craggy landscape.

Deep gullies and valleys carved into the land like ancient scars, bearing witness to the history of a planet that had seen countless sunrises and sunsets.

As the ship’s hatch opened, a gust of cool, fresh air filled my lungs, bearing a unique mixture of scents: the musk of vegetation, the crispness of untouched mineral deposits, and something subtly sweet that I couldn’t quite identify.

The ambient sounds of chirping creatures hidden in the crevices blended harmoniously with the distant murmur of flowing water.

Lily and Ohara stepped out with us, looking around in wonder at the raw beauty of the planet.

With a sense of finality, Lily embraced Isla. “Stay safe,” she whispered, her voice choked with emotion.

Ohara, not one for long goodbyes, gave me a firm pat on the shoulder.

“Remember, Thillak,” he said, his voice deep and steady, “if you ever need a ride or a quick escape, you know where to find us.”

I nodded, finding words unnecessary.

Our shared adventures had cemented a bond that went beyond mere camaraderie.

Watching the ship ascend and disappear into the darkening sky, Isla and I turned to face our new surroundings.

It wasn’t long before the faint glow of lights beckoned us towards a small town nestled within a valley.

The path was uneven, with every step crunching underfoot, causing small puffs of dust to rise and tickle my nose.

The town itself seemed to spring from the planet’s rocky terrain.

Buildings constructed of native stone blended seamlessly with the environment, radiating a rustic charm.

The inhabitants moved about with unhurried grace, casting curious yet welcoming glances our way.

Approaching what seemed to be an inn, the warm golden light spilling from its windows promised comfort and safety.

The sound of soft laughter and the clinking of glasses hinted at a lively atmosphere within.

Stepping inside, the comforting embrace of warmth settled around us.

The inn’s interiors were simple, with wooden beams supporting a thatched roof.

The walls, made of the same stone as the exterior, retained the day’s heat, creating a cozy ambiance.

The inviting aroma of freshly baked bread and roasted meats teased my senses, reminding me of the long journey we’d just completed.

Behind the counter, a middle-aged female giar with sparkling eyes and a ready smile greeted us. “Welcome to ‘The Starlit Respite’. How can I assist you?”

“We’d like a room for the night,” Isla responded, her voice soft and melodic.

“Of course, dear,” the female replied, handing over a pair of keys with a wooden tag bearing the number ‘7’. “You’ll find it upstairs, third door to your left. Do let me know if you need anything.”

I took the key, feeling the cool, smooth metal in my hand. “Thank you,” I murmured, our eyes meeting in mutual understanding.

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