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“We’re escaping… in that?” I questioned incredulously, my eyes wide.

Thillak chuckled. “Yes. But we won’t be flying it.”

Suddenly, the pieces began to fall into place.

The commotion upstairs, our descent into the prison’s depths… it all made sense.

While the guards and inmates were distracted by the event above, we would make our escape.

“But, if not this ship, then how?” I pressed, still trying to fit the pieces together.

Thillak winked mischievously, pulling me closer. “Through there,” he pointed to a smaller corridor that veered off to the right, “lies our real ticket out.”

As we made our way toward the passage, Thillak’s excitement was infectious.

My heart raced, and adrenaline flooded my veins.

With each step, our escape became more real, and the promise of a life amongst the stars, with memories of lifetimes past waiting to be discovered, beckoned enticingly.

Though filled with uncertainty, one thing was clear: our adventure was only just beginning.



As I drew Isla closer to me, her familiar scent — a mix of floral notes and the earthy aroma of our prison surroundings — enveloped me. “Stay here,” I whispered urgently, motioning to a shadowy recess in the corridor.

Her fingers brushed against my hand, the gentle touch sending shivers up my spine despite the gravity of our situation. “Stay hidden, Isla. I’ll be back for you.”

She nodded, her eyes shining with trust.

That look of trust, the weight of it, made me more determined than ever to see this escape plan through.

Tucking her safely into the nook, I took a deep breath, preparing myself for what was to come.

Moving stealthily down the hallway, the soles of my boots making a soft thudding noise on the floor, I took stock of the dim surroundings.

The distant sound of alarms, a cacophony of shrills and bells, grew fainter as I moved farther from our hiding spot.

Spotting a wrench lying on a workstation, I grabbed it, the handle instantly warming under my grip.

As I continued on, I could hear the approaching footsteps of two guards, their laughter echoing through the narrow passageway.

Their amusement was about to be cut short.

Concealing myself around a bend, I waited.

The sensation of adrenaline pumping through my veins was familiar, a throwback to our numerous encounters in previous lifetimes.

From the corner of my eye, I could see their darkened silhouettes, the blue light from their head torches casting eerie glows on the walls.

I tightened my grip on the wrench.

As they came into view, I lunged, the weight of the wrench connecting with the first guard’s temple.

A sickening thud echoed through the corridor as he crumpled to the ground.

The second guard, taken by surprise, reached for his weapon, but he was too slow.

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