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I turned to him, blinking as the last shreds of the beast within receded.

His simple utterance made me realize the gravity of what had just transpired.

But then my gaze shifted to Isla.

Her wide, terrified eyes were fixated on the unconscious prisoner.

Her body trembled, her soft lips parted as she took shallow, uneven breaths.

The alluring fragrance of her hair and skin reached me.

As the stinging sensation of the cuts on my knuckles slowly registered, I realized I needed to reassure her, to bring her back from the brink of the horror she had just witnessed.

Taking a tentative step toward her, I reached out, my hand shaking slightly.

The touch of her skin was both electric and soothing.

Sensing her initial hesitation, I waited, giving her time to decide.

Moments felt like hours until she finally collapsed into my embrace.

The soft sob that escaped her lips was heart-wrenching.

Cradling her head, I ran my fingers through her silky tresses, trying to convey all the comfort and protection I could offer.

The rhythmic pattern of her heartbeat against my chest slowly steadied, and the warmth of her body, pressed against mine, was a stark reminder of her vulnerability in this brutal place.

“It’s over,” I whispered into her ear, hoping to anchor her back to the present moment. “You’re safe now. I’ve got you.”

She clung to me, her fingers gripping the fabric of my clothes.

Her sobs subsided.

The taste of salty tears mingled with the remnants of the fight as I kissed her forehead, willing away the horrors she’d seen.

“I won’t let them hurt you,” I vowed, pulling away slightly to look deep into her eyes, trying to convey the depths of my promise.

She nodded, her gaze searching mine, perhaps seeking confirmation that amidst all the chaos and violence, there remained a haven for her.

In that moment, we became each other’s anchor in a tumultuous sea of uncertainty.



The dim lighting of Thillak’s cell, with its iridescent blue hue, gave off a gentle warmth, contrasting sharply with the cold sheen that dominated this facility.

I tried to focus on the gentle hum of the machinery, a comforting white noise in the background, as I slowly regained my composure.

My once rhythmic heartbeat still felt erratic, each pulse echoing loudly in my ears, like the remnants of a haunting melody.

Tucked into the plush lounge chair, I pulled a soft, velvety blanket around me.

Its fibers caressed my skin, grounding me and making the horrors of the recent past feel just a tad more distant.

But then, breaking through my attempt at a peaceful moment, came Thillak’s voice — authoritative and commanding.

“Let it be known that Isla is under Protection,” he declared, locking eyes with a tall, intimidating figure I had come to recognize as Cayggod.

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