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I took a deep breath, tasting the sweetness of the fruits we’d shared moments ago.

“I know how it sounds,” I conceded, my eyes never leaving hers. “But the universe is vast, filled with mysteries that neither of us can comprehend. Fate, destiny, whatever you choose to call it, it has a way of bringing souls together.”

Leaning forward, I took her hands in mine, relishing the softness of her touch against my rugged palms. “The moment I saw your photo, a rush of memories, emotions, and visions overcame me. It wasn’t just recognition; it was a cosmic certainty. I knew, deep in my core, that you are my fated mate.”

A profound silence filled the room.

I watched as she tried to process my words, the weight of centuries of memories pressing between us.

The dim glow from the overhead lights painted her face in soft hues, adding to her ethereal beauty.

“But… why can’t I remember anything?” Her voice was but a whisper, a fragile sound that conveyed all her vulnerability.

“It might be the curse. Our pasts, though filled with love, were also marred by betrayals. Someone didn’t want us to be together, and they found a way to tear us apart.”

The bitterness of those past hurts still left a sour taste in my mouth.

I held her face gently, my thumbs caressing her cheeks. “But now, you’re here. And even if your memories elude you, I’ll help you remember. Every laugh, every tear, every moment we shared. And together, we’ll create new memories that’ll outshine the old.”

Her breath tickled my skin, a warm, minty perfume that made my heart race faster. “I… I don’t know what to say.”

The soft rustle of fabric, the distant hum of the prison’s engine, the subtle warmth radiating from her body — everything converged into this singular moment of vulnerability and hope.

With a soft smile, I whispered, “Then we start afresh. No baggage, no past. Just you and me. And I promise you, Isla, I’ll protect you, cherish you. You have my word.”

She looked at me uncertainly.

Had I told her too much?

Should I have waited longer?

But how could I when waiting longer than necessary kepy her at arm’s length?

The world faded away, and for that brief moment, it was just the two of us, lost in the timeless dance of souls reunited.



The weight of Thillak’s revelation pressed down on me, making the mattress beneath me feel harder than it really was.

The crisp, clean sheets enfolded me, their scent oddly comforting — like fresh laundry on a summer’s day back on Earth.

Even though the room was dim, the soft glow of the walls illuminated my surroundings.

And what a bizarre place it was!

I was in a cell, yet it looked more like a luxury suite in some five-star hotel.

The hum of the background machines droned on, a subtle but constant reminder of where I was — or, more accurately, where I wasn’t.

Earth seemed so far away now, a distant dream.

But Thillak’s words haunted me more.

Fated mates?

Past lives?

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