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“My crew left this here for me to find.”

“They did? Then where’s the shuttlecraft?”

I didn’t know but it wouldn’t be far away.

I moved behind the rock, circled it, and then ran to the top of the nearest sand dune.

Agatha remained below in the valley.

All the way here, we’d avoided the tips of the sand dunes to ensure we didn’t run into any Desert Flowers or drones.

Now, I flaunted that rule.

I peered at the rolling dunes and the valleys that sawed between them.

I knew any moment, I would see something, a flickering of sunlight off the pristine white roof of a shuttlecraft.

It would be right there.

But I saw no shimmering white rooftop.

I saw no isolated chip of modern technology.

Only the empty rolling hills of endless sand dunes.

My shoulders slumped.

It wasn’t here.

We were trapped on a prison moon with no way to escape this damn rock.


The walk down the sand dune was a lot harder than the one up.

I needed some time alone and I wasn’t up to the task of having to tell Agatha she’d teamed up with a loser.

How could my crew have left me out here in the middle of nowhere with no way of escape?

They gave me their word.

Maybe they had a change of heart and decided the best option was to keep the ship and the booty we’d amassed for themselves.

They were pirates after all.

Maybe we had more in common with the human pirates than I realized.

Or maybe they assumed the ship would only have gone to waste if they left it here for me.

Or maybe they never thought I would escape Ikmal in the first place.

My good for nothing crew.

I’d been certain they would help me, certain they wouldn’t leave me high and dry like this.

Instead, they left me on a desert planet with nowhere to run and nothing to cling to.

Almost nothing.

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