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I felt my legs shake. I flattened them to the bedspread as he lifted his hips, pumping inside me, and felt another shudder as he tore a scream from my throat.

I went up into a squat position but before I could begin to pump him, he pounded me from below.

I leaned back. His strokes were so ferocious, I lost my balance.

He reached up and grabbed my arms, holding me in place as he speared relentlessly from below.

He grunted, striking, and stimulating me like no one ever before.

He sat up. Suddenly, we were face-to-face. He ground deep inside me.

Our mouths were close, within an inch and a half of each other, our breath panting back and forth, exchanging sweet air as we exchanged body blows.

He wrapped his arms around me, pinning my arms to my sides, a thin film of sweat merging our bodies.

He leaned forward to whisper in my ear and I hoped, I prayed, he wouldn’t say the words I was desperate to hear.

“You’re mine,” he said.

He’d uttered the words to my secret kingdom, the words I wished he would not say.

Yes, I was his.

He grew harder, stiffer in my pussy.

And in a moment, his seed would be mine too.

He released my arms and let me fall back on the bedspread. He pulled himself from me and groaned as his seed spread across my stomach, the blast so powerful it reached my bare breasts.

He’d controlled himself where I had failed.



The knock came at the door and the guards ushered Harper out. Our time was up and it was time for her to return to the Prize Pool.

She smiled at me, wiggled her fingers in a wave, and blew me a kiss. She joined the guards who took her away.

The door slammed shut, leaving me in bed, alone with my thoughts.

Alone with my thoughts.

It was the place I least liked to be.

When I dealt the final blow to my opponent’s head in the fighting pit yesterday and knocked him to the ground, the crowd had cheered, going wild for the culmination of what had been a flawless fight on my part.

All I could think about was getting to the Prize Pool and seeing her again.


Despite the promises I made to myself and believing at the time she belonged to Kren the former champion, I still wanted to see her.

I trailed after the guards, wishing they would hurry up so I could see her sooner. I wanted nothing more than to tear ahead of the guards and scoop her up in my arms and swing her around and hang all those who tried to stop me.

But I didn’t do that. I couldn’t do that.

Too many eyes were watching and if they thought I had been compromised in any way… Well, let’s just say it wouldn’t end well.

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