Page 66 of Priest

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“I can handle it.” She leans forward. “Were you staking your claim earlier with that Nevada guy?”

I don’t take my eyes from hers. “Like I said. Sometimes you gotta talk shit to get rid of the turds, you know?”

She giggles. “Nice analogy.”

“Trust me, speakin’ Nevada’s language can only lead to foul things comin’ out of my mouth.”

“He’s cute, though.”

I’m not a jealous guy. I’ve never really cared about anyone enough to get jealous. We fuck the same girls at the club all the time, but something about her saying that makes me a little edgy.

“If you like that sorta thing.”

“He’s obvious with it,” she goes on. “Obnoxiously so.”

I chuckle. “Yep. Just about nailed that on the head.” I know I should end it there, but the words are out before I can stop them. “Do you like that sorta thing?”

“Obnoxious men?” That furrow between her brow appears. “Safe to say, that’s a no. I don’t do that whole macho act. I’ve had enough experience being around men who think they’re tough to last a lifetime.”

“Are the men previously in your life still a threat to you? If they knew the truth?” I know the answer, but I need to hear her say it.

“I don’t want to talk about any of that.” Her voice is barely a whisper. “I want to forget they ever existed.”

I swallow the lump in my throat, thinking I’ve upset her when I turn and see Stella bounding toward us with Summer, Jett’s ol’ lady.

She immediately hugs Bella, almost knocking her off her stool as she introduces Summer. Good. The cavalry have arrived so I can go find Cash and leave her with the girls.

Our conversation will have to end there for the moment.

“You good to watch Bella while I go talk to Cash?” I give the girls a chin lift.

“Translation, keep the boys away?” Summer singsongs with a laugh. “You can count on us, Priest.”

I smile. “Good.” I pinch Bella’s chin lightly. “I’ll be back soon. And if Nevada comes back, feel free to knee him in the nuts.” I extend my gaze to Summer and Stella. “All of you.”

Bella laughs and I push off the bar.

My mission is to find Rueben, and when I’m done with that, we’re going on a road trip.



I stare after Priest, watching him disappear into the crowd.

“So, how is everything?” Stella presses as soon as Priest is gone. Before I can answer, she frowns. “Oh my God, is that… bruising?”

Crap. I know it was a risk coming here and having people recognize me, but it’s quite another having to explain what happened. Yet, I don’t want to lie to Stella. She also helps out at the Soup Kitchen and Rueben could go back there.

I swallow hard. “I… I was attacked,” I whisper.

Her face slowly changes as she spares Summer a glance. She’s pretty with a kind smile. I don’t know either of these women really, yet I feel safe with them. Something that I’ve not felt in a long time.

I thought it would be different coming here… awkward and scary, but it’s nothing like that.

“Oh God, what? When?” Stella gasps.

“Are you okay?” Summer leans in, her eyes flicking up to the cut above my eye. “I’m a nurse, that’s all…”

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