Page 62 of Priest

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“What if I wanted more?”

He stops and turns to look down at me. The crease forming between his eyebrows deepens. Does he think I’m too needy? That I’m a clinger? Maybe I am, but I can’t help it. Nobody has ever spoken to me like he has. I could only ever open up to my Nonna, and she’s been gone for months now. I miss her terribly.

He pinches my chin with one hand. “One step at a time, okay?”

That’s not a no.

A smile forms on my face. “Okay.”

He may just be placating me because he thinks I’m too young, or too innocent, but Priest is going to work out sooner or later that he’s accurate: I am a fireball that’s been burning slowly for quite some time… and that volcano is ready to burst.



The clubhouse is busy when we arrive. There’s a jukebox playing and the lights are dimmed and the beers flowing. Our clubhouse isn’t a complete shit show; the guys don’t fuck out in the open, but as I put an arm around Bella, I know it’s sending a message. They’re gonna want to know who she is, but if I don’t lay my claim, then I’ve no doubt she’ll be approached and I don’t like that idea.

Nevada and Riot are the worst, followed closely by Bronco, who will fuck anything in a skirt. That’s not happening on my watch.

After this morning’s roll in the hay… Jesus, what was I thinking? I’m supposed to be the one person she can look up to and trust, and here I am taking advantage of her because she crept into my bed. It’s no excuse. I should’ve sent her back to her room, or left her there and took the couch.

I run a hand through my hair, unable to focus because of my wayward thoughts.

Bella is beautiful. Absolutely stunning. Her breasts are perfect. I inwardly groan at the memory of me sucking on her nipples and fingering that tight hole. I should hand her over to Dan and let him sort out her future plans, for the sake of her own virtue.

I’m not a man who just takes what he wants, when he wants. I’ve never been that way. My inner beast only comes out on those that hurt others, then all bets are off. Like Rueben, for example. He’s mine to deal with. Every man has a breaking point, and him hurting Bella — or anyone for that matter — is mine.

I’ll have to leave Bella with Stella or Jas for a bit while I talk to the boys about finding Rueben. Fuck knows which new victim he’s moved onto now. Some poor, unsuspecting girl who can’t defend herself. An easy target. That’s his modus operandi and that makes him a coward.

Immediately Brandi sidles up to me, ignoring Bella as she throws her arms around my neck. I wince when her breasts squash into my chest, almost spilling out of her top.

“Priest! I haven’t seen you in so long,” she purrs.

It’s not wasted on me that the sweet butts around the club all have a bet going to see which one of them can break me from my bout of celibacy. Not that I’ve made that public knowledge, but they know I’m not fucking anyone right now.

“Nice to see you, Brandi,” I reply. “This is my friend, Bella.”

Brandi casts her eyes over Bella as she looks her up and down. Seeing no threat there, she kisses me on the cheek. “Good to have you back.” She leans up to my ear. “Don’t be a stranger. I’ll be here all night, big guy.”

Big guy? Oh, brother.

I look down at Bella and she’s fidgeting with her hands, her bottom lip trembling slightly. Her mouth forms a thin line as Brandi steps away, sashaying her ass as she strolls off.

“Wow. Rude much?” she mutters.

I clear my throat. “Sorry about that.”

Bella stares after her and I can’t read her expression entirely. It’s a mixture of surprise and annoyance. I can tell by the frown on her face and the way she folds her arms over her chest. “So, is that one of the girls who hangs around the club for sex?”

I turn to look down at her, surprised. “How do you know about that?”

She shrugs. “I have the internet, Priest. I’m not totally dumb.”

Got it.

“They don’t just hang around for that. They help out when needed.”

She snorts. “Yeah, she looks like a really handy kinda girl.”

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