Page 46 of Priest

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Fifteen minutes later, we’re downtown and I’m parking in the underground lot.

Bella was quiet during the ride. She looked out of the window a lot and didn’t say very much. The entire drive I try to wash away all thoughts of this beautiful girl out of my mind. Especially the ones of her without underwear. Why the fuck would she say something like that? Is she not wearing any now?

Don’t do this. She’s innocent — she’s not here for your enjoyment.

Of course, I’d never use her in that way. That isn’t even in my vocabulary. But there is no mistaking that she’s attractive; those blue eyes that seem to see into my soul and I can’t run away from them. I also feel her pain. I see it in every look and smile, even when she’s flirting. I would never take advantage of her, and she doesn’t need to pay me back by offering herself up to me. I find that completely abhorrent. If I did have her in my bed — under different circumstances, of course — then it would only be because we both wanted it. Not because she feels as if she owes me. Her body is hers alone, and she doesn’t have to share it with anyone unless it feels right.

The idea that she’s still a virgin, though… I can’t stop fucking thinking about it.

“Where would you like to go first?” I ask, turning to look at her. She’s made no attempt to jump out. I thought she’d be a little more excited, but she’s been subdued the entire ride here.

“I’m really not sure, I haven’t been to the mall here.”

“They have all the usual shops, designer to Target.”

A small smile plays on her lips. “You’re really going to shop with me?”

“Of course. I can’t say I’ll be much help, but I’ll do my best.”

“Target will be good for pajamas. They probably have some sweats, too.”


We head out and I follow her around Target as she hesitantly makes decisions on socks, t-shirts, sweats and comfy pjs with teddy bears on them.

We do not visit the underwear section, not that I’ve anything against Target, but I’m kinda glad. We pass by a couple of generic shops and I get her a warmer jacket and some waterproof duck style boots. She’ll be needing those soon.

“They’re too much, Priest,” she whispers. “I’m fine with my sneakers.”

I glance down and frown. “Those need replacin’.” I squint. Does that label say Gucci?

“I just… I don’t like spending your money,” she whispers.

“Like I said, you can help out at the Soup Kitchen a little if it makes you feel any better. Consider that payment, okay?”

We stop at the pharmacy and she loads women’s products into her cart along with some Advil and ointment.

“What about skincare?” I ask. “Girls like moisturizer and shit, right?”

“I can’t ask you to do that.”

I give her a sideways look. “You can, Bella. What kind of stuff did you use before?”

“Chanel,” she laughs. “And Sisley.”


“I don’t expect you to buy me Chanel or Sisley, Priest. I came from a wealthy family. I was spoiled for luxurious things, but all of that comes at a price.”

“And you left with nothing?”

“I literally can’t go back,” she whispers. Taking a deep breath, she adds, “I can never go back. Not ever.”

“And you don’t have to,” I say.

“I’ll just get something here — they have good brands.”

I stifle a laugh. “Not like Chanel, though.”

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