Page 41 of Priest

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My eyes bug wide as I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand; very unladylike but the burger is delicious. “That’s awful. Why would she do something like that?”

“To hurt him. To hurt me. Who knows. I gave up tryin’ to figure out what she was thinkin’ a long time ago.”

He looks so sad whenever he talks about his mom. I feel my heart hurt for him, for my own loss, and everything in between.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. Some have it worse off than I did. I’m glad I was able to get my little sister out of there before the emotional scars became too much.”

“She’s very lucky,” I say. “To have a brother like you.”

His lips twitch. “I don’t know about that, but she turned out alright.”

“So did you.”

He smirks. “That’s debatable. She wasn’t a good person, though she had her struggles that I didn’t see at the time, being so young. As I’ve grown older I can see that she did her best.”

I take another bite while he unwraps his burger and proceeds to eat. Like most men, he takes huge bites and wolfsthe thing down before I’ve even nibbled away at half of mine.

We eat in companionable silence until Priest announces that Casey’s here. He leaves the kitchen and lets her in the front door. She’s a pretty blonde with a kind smile. Casey must have come from work since she’s in her work clothes. I suddenly wonder why all the ‘friends’ Priest has besides Father Dan are female. I guess it's not hard to see why.

Priest is so good looking it’s ridiculous.

“Casey, this is my friend, Bella. Bella, this is Casey.”

I return Casey’s smile as she puts her medical bag down. “Hi, Bella.” She holds out her hand and we shake. “Good to meet you.”

“You too,” I say. Maybe I should thank her for coming over?

Priest promised there wouldn’t be a whole bunch of nosy questions and I hope that’s the case. I don’t want to tell anyone anything, except him.

“I’m gonna go have a shower.” Priest thumbs behind him and I nod. Always a gentleman. He takes off and my mind tries not to imagine him in the same space I was just in. Getting myself off to the idea of us in there together. My cheeks flush.

“So, Bella, I can see you have some swelling and bruising to your face. Were there any other injuries I should know about?”

I shake my head. “I twisted my knee a little when I jerked away and kneed the dude who attacked me in the balls.”

“That’ll always drop ‘em.”

“I did a little martial arts when I was a kid, not much, but I just acted on instinct.”

“Have you had any chills, fever or nausea?” she asks and I shake my head. “So, Priest said you knew the guy.”

I clam up immediately, locking my fingers as I try not to squirm. “I don’t want to press any charges.”

“I understand it can be confronting.”

No. You don’t understand. I’m supposed to be dead. That’s the reason why…

“Anyway, if Priest knows, then he and the club will take care of it.”

“The club?”

Our eyes meet. “Yeah, he’s part of the NOLA Rebels motorcycle club,” she says, like it’s obvious. “Wait, he didn’t tell you?”

My blood runs cold.

I shake my head. “N— no, he didn’t say anything about that.”

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