Page 35 of Priest

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I part my lips to answer as he watches me. “Okay.”

He nods, then proceeds to swing his leg over his bike to mount it and then kicks up the stand and the engine roars to life. If it isn’t the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen then I’ll be damned for all of eternity. I stand there staring and he turns to pat the seat behind him. “Hop on.”

I do as he says, using his arm and shoulder as a lever to pull myself up.

“Put your feet over the pegs there,” he says as I glance down. I do as he says. “Put your arms around me and don’t let go.”

Holy shit balls.

As if I’d ever want to let go…

I do as he says, wrapping my arms around his waist. His scent — masculine, earthy and woody — goes straight between my legs. As does the rumble of the motorcycle beneath me. The vibration has my cheeks flushing and we haven’t even moved yet.

He revs a couple of times before we take off and he pulls out into the traffic. The sheer adrenaline of it all has me closing my eyes, but a huge smile plasters across my face at how freeing this feels. I’m in absolute awe of him, and this experience.

For the first time in my life, I feel free.



She holds me tight around my waist and I feel every single inch of her body pressed against me. I’m not supposed to be feeling turned on; this woman is in need.

She was just assaulted by a man who won’t be breathing for much longer, and she needs my help. But I can’t choose what my dick responds to, and it’s responding to her in a big way. I’m hard, my cock pressing against my zipper as I try to keep my thoughts on the road and not on her. Of course, my mind wants to remind me that she’s a virgin and has never been touched. I’ve never been with a virgin before, not that I plan on being with one now, but I can’t deny that I thought about what it would be like. The idea that the asshole who she was betrothed to, or worse, that prick that assaulted her, could’ve been her first, makes me want to commit bloody murder. And maybe I will.

There is no redemption for him for attacking an innocent woman. It’s high time some of these asswipes were dealt a taste of their own medicine; and I’m serious when I say he’s going to pay for what he did. Her face is swollen; too soon to bruise, but it will. The cut above her eye isn’t severe, but needs to be looked at. I don’t want her getting an infection. And she might tell Casey things she won’t tell me, and though she says nothing happened, I want to be sure. She could be in shock, though she trusted me enough to get on my sled and let me take her away.

My condo is in the heart district of the Irish Channel, just off Magazine street. It’s a historic two story with one bed and one bath, plus an attic space I use as an office. It has a modern, updated kitchen and separate living area. It’s not huge, but it’s fine for just me. Plus, I’ve lots of storage with a two-car garage I built and a storage shed where me and Dad finished off my bike. Hawk, the club's Road Captain and the motorcycle mechanic, did most of the legwork when I couldn’t, and I owe him a lot. My sled is my baby, and while I’m not precious with it, I also keep it in pristine condition. After the wreck it came to me in, I’m proud that I was able to bring the old girl back to life.

I have no plans what to do with Bella after tonight, but that doesn’t matter. I’ll talk to Dan; I’m sure he’s got some suggestions. Then there's the issue of her going to Texas and the urgency of her leaving. I could drive her, that would be the safer option.

My condo is about a fifteen minute drive from downtown, and as we sail through the city, I find myself wishing the drive was long.

I never had a woman on the back of my sled. Ever.

It’s not because I don’t like the idea of it, but within an MC it means something. Usually, only the club girls who are ol’ ladies — the women who are more or less married to one of the brothers — are the only ones who ride. If you take a chick on the back of your ride; you’re sending a clear message that she's yours and you intend on claiming her at church. All women in the club have to be claimed. It’s an old tradition and kinda sexist if you want to get technical, but the women of the club accept it and they’re more than happy to be on the back of one of the brothers’ sleds. It also means they’re off limits and can’t be approached or touched by any other man. Unless they want to start shit and that’s never pleasant.

I don’t know why I’m even thinking about ol’ ladies and the drama they all bring, but it draws a smile to my face. My brothers’ who have ol’ ladies will certainly attest to the fact that it’s no picnic. There’s Deanna, Cash’s wife and his best friend’s daughter. Then Jett and Summer; one of the club girls from Bracken Ridge, Arizona. Hawk got caught last year by Jas, the club’s accountant and feisty little ball buster. Harlem fell for bakery owner Indigo, and they’re now trying for a baby. Tag and Luna finally stopped pretending they weren’t an item, and recently Rock and Aspyn announced they were moving in together.

They all seem happier and the world didn’t fall down on them when they surrendered their balls. I laugh when I think about Tag and his distaste at the women taking over and inserting themselves into club business. No matter what happens and how much the boys talk about it, there’s always pillow talk. The women of the MC know more about what’s going on than most of us the majority of the time.

When I roll up to my place, I go around the back, pulling into the garage where I park, kicking the stand down and turning the engine off. Bella is still wrapped around me.

“You good?”

I turn and see she’s buried her face into my shoulder. At first I’m concerned, then she peers up at me with a big shit-eating grin on her face.

“That was amazing!”

I chuckle. “I’m glad. You had me worried there for a second.”

She uses my body to dismount as I enjoy the feel of her hands on me, and by the time I’m swinging my leg over, she’s pulling her helmet off.

I smile when I see her hair all disheveled and her eyes gleaming with excitement.

“No, I mean, it was terrifying, but so cool. I’ve never been an adrenaline junkie before, but now I see the appeal.”

I laugh. “Adrenaline junkie? I can’t personally see that look on you, but being on a motorcycle gives you a sense of freedom that you won’t get anywhere else.”

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