Page 31 of Priest

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“Sarah? You’re not Sarah! What is your real name?”

I swallow hard. “It’s Bella.”

“So, you did lie?” he snarls.

My heart races in my chest and I begin to berate myself for even being here. It’s getting dark out and I should’ve just gone straight to the Soup Kitchen where I’d be safe.

“I didn’t mean t., I’m sorry, Rueben, you seem like a nice guy,” I lie. “I’m just really mixed up right now. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

He looked mad.

Really mad.

“So you just go around giving false names? I was trying to be a nice guy, but you just turned around and did that to me.”

Oh, God. This guy needs to get a grip, and he seems to be getting very angry.

I stand, gripping onto my small backpack with both hands. “I need to get back.” I start to walk toward the entrance that leads to the sidewalk.

“Where to?” He’s right behind me. “Back to that shelter, Bella? You think they’re gonna help you?”

This guy is completely crazy.

“Just leave me alone!” I beg. “Please get away from me!”

The people around me walking by helps some, and it makes Rueben back off a little. Using that to my advantage, I start to move. Weaving through the street, I pick up the pace as I come to a crosswalk and run right in front of a car. It honks and only misses me by a few seconds but I manage to lose Rueben. Running, I keep up the pace until I’m out of breath. Turning around, I don’t see him, but I’ve also managed to outrun the foot traffic, too. Dusk settles and I realize I’m lost. I’ve no clue where the hell I am. I still don’t know these streets well enough, but I can see the cathedral landmark, so I probably need to be heading the other way. Still, I can’t risk running into him again.

I’m out of breath and the adrenaline coursing through me makes me clammy. The blood pumping in my ears makes me even more uncoordinated.

I keep going and when I round the corner, I squeal as Rueben catches me and pulls me by the hair as he locks one arm around my body.

“Going somewhere, pretty girl?”

“Please,” I beg. “Please don’t.”

He smells like beer and I wince when I smell his disgusting breath. “You’re so much prettier when you’re begging.”

I struggle, getting the drop on him as I stamp my foot down on his. Before I know it, a fist hits my face at the same time I knee him in the balls. He goes down and I jump out of the way and run for my life. I run across the road and head the way I came; back to the populated area as my heart races in my chest and the adrenaline running through me is the only thing that saves my life. I do not stop running until I’m outside the parish. I’ve no idea how I made it there…

I don’t feel safe anywhere. As I glance around, I know I have to head back to the parish and wait for tonight. If Rueben is out for revenge, then who knows what he’s capable of.

I thought about going to the soup kitchen to seek refuge, but that doesn’t open until six, and even if I did turn up there early, they’d ask questions. They’d want to know what happened to my face and then I’d have to tell them. Maybe they’d also want me to tell the police… that can’t happen. I’m a ghost with nowhere else to go. I have to get out of here, but I’m running out of options.

So I sit in one of the pews with my head down, trying not to freak out every time I hear the doors behind me open, hoping it’s not him.

There are a couple of other people in here, and thankfully they’re paying me no attention.

I rest my head on the seat in front and stare down at my shoes.

If I’d had Priest’s number, I would have texted him. I know he would’ve come for me. I’ve never had to be independent — I’ve always had everything done for me — so asking for help isn’t something I’m used to. But with every fiber of my being, I feel as if he truly cares.

Please, God. Please let me get out of this mess.


I freeze, my heart jumping as I try not to gasp. I hear the pew creak next to me as he sits.


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