Page 120 of Priest

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Priest’s arms wrap around my waist as he nuzzles into my neck. “I missed you.”

I smile. He’s always like this and he doesn’t care who hears. “I missed you, too.”

Rock makes puking noises and the girls gush.

“Aww, you’re such a sweetie,” Crystal says. “I remember when Ryder used to be that romantic.”

“What happened?” Deanna’s gathering all of the paint brushes to be washed.

“Marriage.” She shrugs.

The boys snort.

“See that’s what I always say, if it ain’t broke…” Jett’s words of wisdom do not deter me one little bit. I can’t wait to be Priest’s wife.

“Did you boys come here to help, or just loiter around being annoying.” I feel heat in my belly when Priest kisses me on the neck.

“I came to ask my fiancé if she’d like to go have lunch,” he mutters. Though, I know what we’ll end up doing out back if he keeps this up.

“Get a room,” Rock complains. “And the last time I checked, we didn’t need an excuse to visit our sister in her little studio. I can’t wait for yoga.”

I can’t help but laugh. I can’t imagine Rock doing yoga. Or pottery class. Or any kind of art class to be honest. “Well make sure you bring Aspyn along, because I'm sure she’d love to see you in downward facing dog.”

“You’re already hurting my brain,” he complains.

“You can’t just come and steal her away for lunch,” Stella interrupts. “We have wedding things to discuss, and that means no boys. Sorry.”

Priest’s mouth is at my ear again. “That true?”

I shrug.

“I’m sure I could convince you to ditch your friends,” he murmurs.

“I can’t do that!” I whisper-shout. “That’s rude.”

“What’s rude is how hard I am right now.”

“You know we can hear you?” Jett turns to leave, not before shoving Priest in the shoulder.

Rock chuckles, patting Priest on the back. “No matter what happens, better do as the ol’ lady says. It’s safer that way.”

Priest ignores them. “And what does my ol’ lady say?”

I push my ass back into him, his cock digging into the small of my back. “I say we go and get sushi.”

“Is that code word for sex?” Stella butts in.

“Why is everyone so nosy today?” I shake my head. “I’ll go get actual sushi for our lunch, and Priest can come help me. That way he gets time with me and you all get the lunch I promised.”

“Sounds fair.” Deanna shrugs.

“Sushi is disgusting.” Jett wrinkles his nose. “But I’ll take a burger if Priest is buyin’.” Jett hops up onto the counter like he’s here for the rest of the day.

“Perfect.” I smile. “I need those floating shelves nailed to the wall since you’re both just standing around.”

Rock grimaces that now he has work to do but Priest is already tugging me toward the door.

“We’re timin!” Jett calls as Priest flips him the bird. I hear Stell, Crystal and Deanna cackle behind me.

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