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I shake my head. “I was knocked out cold…” I run a palm over my face. If it weren’t for that then maybe Bella would still be with me now. I could have fought for her. Fought them.

I’m so fuckin’ mad with myself.

My girl. Gone. Just like that.

Anger boils in my blood.

“Someone must’ve been trackin’ her,” Harlem says, taking the words right out of my mouth. “That’s the only explanation. Nobody knows she’s alive except for you and Cash, and me and Tag.”

“Fuck.” My head pounds. I don’t even know if I’m hurt, nor do I care. “We need to find her.”

“What we need is Casey to check you out. Your truck’s in bad shape. Got Rock comin’ with the tow truck. Definitely can’t hide the damage from the cops.”

It goes without saying that nothing will be said about Bella being kidnapped. I just hope no witnesses saw Bella being snatched as the cops will be all over it.

“I’ll stay here and deal with the cops,” Riot says. “Then I’ll take the cats back to the clubhouse.”

I give him a nod. “Put them in my room, don’t let them out in the clubhouse, they’ll freak.”

“Got it.”

I rub my eyes with my palms. Adrenaline courses through me. I have to find her.

I promised her so many things about not being afraid and never having to worry any more. All of that was a lie if I can’t keep her safe.

Harlem crouches down. “You good?”

I look up at him. “No, I’m not fuckin’ good. I promised Bella that she was safe, that she never had to see her family ever again, and now this. They’ll kill her. They won’t even hesitate.”

He places a hand on my shoulder. “You don’t know that. They took her alive, that was their main objective, and if she’s still alive then that means we can find her and put an end to this.”

His words are like white noise when I think about what could be happening to my baby. How they even knew she was alive… we haven’t even been anywhere to be spotted, but maybe they were watching the clubhouse. Still. Bella was in a baseball cap with oversized clothing when we went there. There would be no reason for anyone to suspect anything. Which makes me wonder if someone knew all along that she’d escaped… Maybe this was always their plan, but why wait this long?

Why not take her when she was all alone before I met her at the Soup Kitchen? None of this makes any sense.

“I know you probably don’t wanna hear this right now,” Riot says as I glance up at him. “But we caught Rueben.”

My eyes go wide. “What the fuck?”

“He’s at the warehouse with Pipes, Bandit and Giggs.” Giggs is one of the other prospects.

“They better not fuck him up too much, I want my hands on him first.”

“Nope, they’ve been instructed to keep him tied up until I talked to you,” Riot says. “Could be good to find out if he knows anything. He’s the only other dude that knew about Bella bein’ alive.”

I doubt that asshole has anything to do with the mob, but stranger things have happened. “I’m gonna go there now.” I push off the ground, taking Harlem’s outstretched hand as he yanks me up.

“Gotta wait for Casey,” he says.

I shake my head. “Fuck that, she can come to the warehouse.”

Harlem gives me a look. “She can’t come to the warehouse.”

“Fine, I’ll see her when this is over. I’m fine, H. If Rueben knows something we could find Bella sooner rather than later.”

Harlem’s phone rings and he answers, putting it on speaker.

“H,” Jett says. “I’m hackin’ into the security footage from the crash, gonna take me a little bit to get there, but I wanted you to know I’m doin’ my best to track where it went.”

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