Page 5 of Marco's Girl

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My stomach growls as the smell of greasy cheeseburgers and fries fills my nose.

Marco shrugs. “Place looks like shit but it’s got the best pie around.”

“I was sure you were going to say cheeseburgers.” I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear as I look around the rustic building that’s seen better days. The place is slammed, so it must be good.

“They aren’t bad either, but I was sure you wanted some pie after you were rudely interrupted in the caf.” He looks down at me with a cute smile. I don’t know how he manages to always look both scary and comforting at the same time. I don’t have a ton of people in my life besides my grandma, so when Marco stood up for me in the cafeteria, my heart did a little flutter.

“I could definitely go for pie.” I lick my lips just thinking about it. I was surprised when I saw that the cafeteria at school offered it. I was used to either cookies being there or maybe a rice crispy treat. Those would be easy for me to pass up, but there was no way I could resist the pie.

“Marco,” someone calls out, making both of us turn to look. An older man stands behind the counter with a white apron on. “Got a booth free over there.” He points to the back corner of the place.

“Thanks, Henry.” Marco takes my hand and leads me through the small restaurant. People move out of his way as he goes, making room for us to walk. I slide behind him and use his body as a shield for the second time today. My free hand grabs the back of his shirt as he guides me to our table. Stopping at the booth, he motions for me to get in.

I slide in and then watch him get into the other side. The bench gives a little groan as he rests his weight on it. If someone asked me to describe him, I’d say he looks like a football player from his size, but nothing else about him screams jock. He screams something else altogether. More along the lines of Look at me funny, and I’ll break your jaw.

“You’re big.” The words slip out of my mouth before I can stop them.

I throw my hand over my mouth. Oh my God, I actually said that out loud.

He lets out a deep, rich laugh that has me smiling behind my hand. I slowly lower it. He’s too handsome for his own good with his messy hair and charming smile.

“I better be for as much as I work out.”

“I don’t work out. I haven’t since freshman gym, and I almost failed that. The only reason I passed at all is because they automatically give you a C just for dressing out. I was able to get an A because Ms. Hellmen would let me stay after school. I basically did her job of entering grades and filling in whatever notes she’d scribbled down about students into the school’s system so she didn't have to do it. I think it was a fair trade-off. She wasn’t great on the computer, and I wasn’t great at physical activity.”

“You don’t need to be.” His eyes stay locked with mine.

I bite my bottom lip, not sure how to respond to that. Thankfully, we’re interrupted by Henry, who places two glasses of water on the table.

“Your normal?” he asks Marco, who nods. “You going to tell me who this beautiful girl is?” Henry smiles down at me. “Or are you trying to keep her all to yourself?”

“She’ll have the same, but make her shake strawberry.” I look back at Marco who is apparently ordering for me. I don’t even see menus anywhere.

“Did I get your shake right, babydoll?” he asks.

“Yes.” I stop biting on my lip to answer him. It’s a nervous habit I’ve formed when I don’t know what to say or if I’m trying not to say anything at all. The fact of the matter is that strawberry shakes are my favorite. I’m not sure how in the hell he knows this, and it makes me nervous wondering what else he knows.

“Now, the pie might be a little more challenging. We could always get a slice of apple, cherry, and pecan. Does that work for you?”

I nod my head, unable to control my need for all the pies. Pecan is my favorite, but I was going for the apple in the cafeteria. It was the only option they had, and I wasn't complaining. Any pie is better than no pie at all.

“So you’re not going to tell me who the girl is?” Henry tries again. His smile is kind, and I feel at ease around him.

“Nope,” Marco answers. He doesn't sound mad, but he also doesn't sound like he’s going to give.

“I’m Evangeline.” I start to lift my hand but Marco grabs it, kissing my palm. For a moment, I’m caught in a trance as his lips softly touch my skin. His fingers are rough as he holds me tight. Henry coughs, reminding me we’re in a restaurant.

“I’ll get it out quick. I’m guessing Evangeline here will want to be back to school on time.” He doesn't wait for a response as he heads back around the counter.

“We’ll be late?” I start to panic. I left my bag in the car with my phone. I don’t know what time it is, but the thought of being late sends me into a little bit of a panic.

“I’ll get you back on time. Promise, babydoll.”

My shoulders drop in relief.

Marco keeps my hand in his. “I’m going to say something and I don’t want to make you mad.”

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