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“Right.” My eyes shut at the hurt tone in her voice.

But I didn’t turn around.

I didn’t apologize.

I simply stood there like a fucking bump on a log and waited for her to do something. Say something, you stupid bastard!

“I came inside to get more supplies. Excuse me.” The sound of her feet almost sounded like they echoed in my ears as she moved around me in the kitchen before she went back outside, making sure to shut the glass doors that led to the backyard behind her.

“You’re a dick,” Jett muttered.

“Tell me something I don’t know.” I found the energy to grab my keys. “We have work to do. See you in the office.”

“Mal, don’t you think you should—" I shot a look at Jett.

“It’s better this way, and you know why.” A muscle under my eye twitched, and I watched Jett shoot a look at Casey, silently communicating something.

“What?” I hated when they did that shit. They were up to something, which usually meant it could go great or explode in our faces.

“We have an idea,” Casey shared.

“Idea?” I crossed my arms and watched as Casey and Jett moved closer to me.

I was the practical one of the three of us. They were the dreamers. The fucking ones who got us into trouble more times than I was willing to admit. Not that the trouble hadn’t been fun and adventurous, but I had a feeling that whatever they had up their sleeve was going to be fucking impossible. Because I knew Casey and Jett. They probably had the same idea I’d been bouncing around in my head.

“We have a meeting today at lunch to talk about it.” Jett shrugged, breaking the momentary silence.

“What’s with the dramatics? Why not just spit it out now?” I asked ,knowing the answer. They didn’t have to say anything as they looked outside, and my willpower gave out on me. I glanced over to see our girl working. Fucking Cooper. My nephew was a pain in the ass. I shook my head.

“Fine,” I muttered. “I’ll see you in the office. I have a shit ton of work to catch up on.”

“Maybe before you go, you should?—"

“No.” I shook my head, and my hands clenched around my keys. The metal dug into my palm. If I went out there with how I felt today after two days of not seeing her, I might do something stupid like kiss her. My resolve to keep my hands off our pretty, little housekeeper had started to crumble. With every passing day, I grew weaker. And she didn’t deserve me pawing at her, and since Casey and Jett had feelings for her, too, I couldn’t go there. I couldn’t betray them or hurt her. I was trash at relationships.

“See you in the office. Don’t be late.” I waved and made my way to our garage.

Every step further away from Rosa felt wrong.

What the hell are you doing? a voice shouted in my head, but I batted it away. I couldn’t apologize. I wasn’t the kind of man to show weakness or a vulnerability.

No matter the fact she had become just that. The feelings that had been stirred to life six months ago when she started to work for us were thriving. Growing and blossoming into something bigger. I fucking hated it.

I hated it because I didn’t hate her in the least. I was pretty sure I, Malcom Jennings, the biggest jerk of Seattle, had fallen in love.

I beeped my Audi open, slipped inside, and gripped the steering wheel before tightly shutting my eyes and letting the back of my head rest against the headrest behind me. The sight of her crestfallen face, the way she’d flinched at my words, flashed behind my eyes.

She was all smiles and laughs with Casey and Jett. But with me? With me, it was nothing but cautious, wide-eyed glances. Like she feared me. Like she thought I would pick her up, throw her over my knee, and spank her at any given moment. And I had no idea why the hell I loved that, too. Liar, a voice whispered, and I inhaled deeply. My dick throbbed and my hand rubbed the length of it behind my dress slacks before squeezing it tight and letting go.

How the hell was this my life? Me! The man who had no trouble going out and hooking up with faceless women while I worked both our bodies into a sweaty mess. The man who was the king of meaningless one-night stands and more benefits than friend type of situations.

I almost hated myself for falling.

Falling in love was a weakness. My hands fisted, and I hit the edge of my steering wheel. Emotional entanglements were complications I needed like a hole in the head. But as I opened my eyes and stared out at the garage door opening, knowing Rosa was in our house safe and sound, even if probably fuming at how much of a dick I’d been, I knew I wouldn’t give her up.

When Casey, Jett, and I had talked about her three weeks after she started to work for us, we had decided that since all three of us were interested in her, none of us would have her. None of us would make a move.

We never let anything come between us.

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