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“It’s not gone yet,” he muttered. “Maybe we should call a doctor? Maybe?—"

“I’m feeling a lot better,” I promised. “I really am. I just have the bug Betsy and Mike had, and they’re all better. I just need to get to bed. You’’ll see, in the morning, my fever will have broken, and I will be able to get the house back to?—"

“You won’t be doing a thing. Fever or not.” He didn’t let me finish my sentence. “The only thing we want you to do this week is rest. And if you can stomach it, hang out with us.”

“Stomach it?”

“You said you liked us.” I hadn’t expected him to bring it up so bluntly.


“As friends?”

“Of course, I think of you as my friends. I mean, you guys are my employers but?—"

“No, honey, is that the only way you think you could see us? As friends?”

“Case—” I didn’t finish pronouncing his entire name.

“Because you know how we feel about you. You have to know, baby girl.” His hand skimmed my cheek before he dropped it. “You gotta take your medicine.” He pointed at the liquid he had poured for me in a little measuring cup.

“It knocks me out,” I muttered under my breath, and when I glanced up at him, he nodded.

“I know, but it will help you rest,” he reminded me. He was right. I just hated falling asleep so hard. I shrugged because I wasn’t sure what else I could say. I chugged the medicine down and winced before he handed me a cool glass of water he had waiting for me. The cool liquid felt refreshing, and I was surprised when I finished the entire glass.

“Casey—" I started to say, but he simply winked and reached for my hand like he had earlier. There was a possessiveness to it I hadn’t noticed before.

“Time for bed,” he ordered and guided me right toward his bedroom, and for some reason, I didn’t complain or argue it. I simply followed him and lay down, letting him tuck me right into his body. “Tonight’s my turn,” he huffed. I yawned before I could ask what he meant.

“You okay?” he asked. “Comfortable? Should I leave a light on or turn the on TV?”

“I’m good.” I smiled, pressing my face into his chest.

It was so stupid. Sleeping with each of my bosses, letting myself know what cuddling felt like with them was the stupidest thing I could have done. First with Jett last night and then Malcom during the movie and now with Casey. I should have known better, but I was going to blame it on being sick and not thinking clearly.

If I was right, I would wake up back to normal, and sadly enough, that meant these small moments would come to an end. They had to. My sexy, bossy daddies were just being sweet because I was sick. Liar, a voice whispered. I wasn’t sure if I was lying to myself, but I was going to ignore it.

I was going to soak up these moments because I had a feeling simply sleeping next to them had already ruined me for any other men in the future. I would never be the same after this week.

Knowing that and the heartache it would more than likely bring, I still drifted off to another dirty dream where my masked strangers weren’t really strangers but my bosses showing me how good being bad could feel.




My knee bounced with pent-up energy. I was like a caged animal ready to pounce on its prey.

I watched Rosa through the security cameras we had set up before she started to work for us. The woman never stopped. Never rested or took a break. Even when she was eating lunch, she was busy in the kitchen stirring some or chopping shit for the dinners she cooked for us.

I groaned and rested my head on the back of my thick leather office chair. At this time of the afternoon, it would only take me twenty minutes to get home. To be in her space and have her smile shyly in my direction. My phone pinged, and I closed my eyes.

Taking a week off meant work had added up in the office, and playing catch-up was always a bitch.

Our girl was feeling better. Rosa’s fever had broken on the third day, and she was back to normal by the fourth. We had insisted on her resting and taking it easy, but the woman was stubborn. Before the weekend arrived, she went to acting like the last couple of days hadn’t happened.

Like we hadn’t been sleeping and cuddling with her nightly.

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