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They were simply my bosses, that was it. I just had to make sure to remind myself of that.

Thunder boomed in the dark sky, and a couple of seconds later, the sky flashed bright with the crack of lightning, and I jumped. I really hate storms.

But more than anything, I hated being alone during them. I stepped back from the glass wall of the living room after giving it one last wipe.

“Hay va, all done,” I whispered to myself.

The house was finally back to normal and clean. I grabbed the tote I carried most of my supplies through the big, empty house in. Like I had since I started working here, I looked around the space with awe.

Their home was beautiful.

Majestic almost yet homey and welcoming. The architecture and attention to detail of the house were incredible. House, a voice whispered in my head. This place was a mansion. Especially compared to my sister’s tiny two-bedroom bungalow with a finished basement, where I crashed on my days off. I rolled my neck when I reached the closet where I stored everything. My muscles protested, and I shivered.

I wasn’t feeling well.

I probably had whatever bug the kids had brought home. I swallowed and winced. My throat was sore and scratchy. That's new. Well, there was nothing I could do if I was sick. I just had to keep moving.

Thankfully, the house was back to normal. I could start with laundry and the rest of the things in the morning. I glanced behind me before I headed toward the long, dark hallway that led to my room at the far end of the house. It was a little after seven thirty, and no one was home. I frowned.

I was tempted to call Casey or Jett to make sure they were okay. There hadn’t been a night when at least one of the three men had arrived no later then six thirty.

“¿Que te importa? Why do you care? It’s none of your business where they are.” My stomach growled, but I ignored it.

I’d left the food that Malcom had had delivered with an apology note in the fridge to make sure it wouldn’t spoil. He’d been the world’s biggest jerk this morning. Not that I was all that surprised.

Malcom's cold words and intense gazes were his usual MO. But this morning had hurt, and I only had myself to blame. I really thought I had started to gain his trust. But from his comment about me suing them for sexual harassment, of all things, it was obvious I didn't.

I loved my job, but Malcom’s cold attitude cast a shadow over it from the very begging.

If it wasn’t for the fact I helped my sister financially, I had a feeling I would have quit. Liar, a voice whispered. I shook my head and stepped into my bedroom. As cold and rude as he could come off, there was a warmer side to him, too. One that drew me and my traitorous body.

I took a step across the threshold when thunder struck again. Every nerve ending felt like it was on edge. I felt like I was about to come out of my skin. I grimaced. I hated thunder more than lightning. My room had a glass wall and suddenly, it lit up from the inside.

Nope. I was wrong. I wasn’t sure which one I hated more. Lightning sucked as much as thunder. I decided I hated both equally.

I glanced over my shoulder and frowned. I hated how dark the rest of the house suddenly felt. I should have left a couple more lights on. I closed my door and didn’t notice I left it a smidge ajar.

I walked through my room, focused on grabbing some fresh clothes to wear after a shower. A hot shower after a long day always felt good, and it never sounded better than when you didn’t feel too great.

It was summer, but the house felt cooler today. Jett, Casey, or Malcom must have turned down the thermostat. Usually, the AC didn’t bother me, but with the storm raging on outside and me not feeling well, I felt like I was freezing. I just needed a hot shower, change, and get into bed. A good night's sleep would make everything better.

My stomach growled again, but I ignored it once more. I grabbed a lightweight oversized sweater and a long cotton sleep shirt. With my PJ’s and a towel in hand, I walked into the bathroom that was attached to my bedroom to take that shower.

Once I was showered and changed, I stepped out of the bathroom. I combed my short curly hair then placed the comb down on my dresser and picked up the TV remote when suddenly, the lights in the entire house went out. The sky decided to boom at that very moment, and I screamed. Moments later, the sky lit up with lightning, and I screamed at what I saw outside. Or what I thought I saw.

Someone was out there.

Someone with a mask in nothing but black.

“Rosie!” a deep voice called, and I rushed toward it. Opening my bedroom door, I threw myself into thick, strong arms and had never felt safer.

“What is it? Honey, talk to me,” Mal’s deep voice whispered sweetly against my hair. “What’s wrong?”

“Honey?” I repeated. I pulled back a little but only to see Mal’s beautiful warm gaze looking at me like I was the prettiest thing he had ever seen.

“Power went out,” he shared, his thick dark brows bunched. “Did something happen?”

“I just, umm, I thought I saw someone outside.” My voice sounded scratchy.

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