Page 24 of The Vampire Trap

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He breaks the kiss. We’re both breathless.

“I did not come to your room with the intention of seducing you.” He presses a kiss to my lips, then trails a series of them along my jaw. Teeth gently nip my earlobe before his mouth tails down my neck. Then lower, stopping above my heart. “Otherworld take me, I don’t have the willpower to stop unless you tell me to.”

His hands travel over my body, up my stomach to cup my breast as his mouth inches lower. And I revel in each caress.

“Zadie…” My name is a desperate plea on his lips.

Everything about him… about this, is new and thrilling and comfortable and safe and it’s like breathing for the first time—like the only place our paths could lead since they crossed and… I have never wanted anything for myself as badly as I want him now.

His mouth finds my nipple through my shirt. I arch into him as threads of pleasure course through my body, pooling low. A moan escapes me, and he makes a sound both pleased and tortured.

“Zadie…” he says again.

“Please,” I gasp. “Don’t… don’t let me go. I—I want more. I want you.”

There’s a tension in his muscles under my hands that vanishes. Then his mouth is on mine again. This time our kisses are full of need as we tug at each other’s clothes.

Frustrated, I pull back and lift his shirt over his head. But Thomas takes his time, undoing one button then another, all the way down with careful movements until my top half is entirely bare.

I press my palms against his skin, feeling the hard plains of his muscles. He has a strong and regal build. But then he guides me down to my back. His body covers mine though he doesn’t put all his weight on me. I writhe beneath him as he leisurely explores me. Lower and lower.

His hands pause at my waist as if waiting for me to change my mind. But I won’t. I whimper, and then my breath hitches as he undoes the tie, then slides them down my legs, slowly baring me to him.

I reach for him. Then he’s a blur. He settles over me, and there is nothing but skin against skin. I’m driven half mad as he picks up where he left off. Only to gasp as he presses his mouth to the apex of my thighs. His lips and tongue exploring me in ways more pleasurable than anything I could have dreamed up.

My hips move on their own, and I clutch the sheets when he adds his fingers. My body is his to command, coaxing moans from me at will. Every part of me hums with an ever-increasing need until I break against his mouth.

When I come to my senses, he is atop me again, his hips nestled between my legs.

He is a vampire which means I should worry he might feed on me, but I know he won’t. Not because of what’s happening in the city—we have not talked about that—because it would distract me endlessly until the first mark wore off. If we risked it and weren’t careful, I could end up fully marked before either of us realized.

My breathing picks up as I feel his hard length pressed against me. I can’t stop from shifting against him. The movement allows the tip to push in.

Our gazes lock as we move in tandem. With each roll of our hips, he retreats, then rocks further in. He keeps our pace slow, allowing me to get used to him until we are fully joined.

Dawn gradually creeps up until there’s enough light where I can see. The sight of him moving above me heightens every sensation he makes me feel.

Each slide of him inside me is exquisite. I cling to him; my legs wrapped around his middle. Pleasure coils where we are joined, tighter and tighter. We’re driven by a need to move faster and harder. I’m overcome by ecstasy. I cry out, and he follows shortly after. I shudder against him, every shift causing an echo of pleasure.

Later, wrapped in his arms with my head resting on his chest, I listen to the steady beat of his heart. “As grateful as I am… don’t you think you forgave me a little too easily?”

“Did I spoil your plans to grovel at my feet for weeks upon end?”

“No… but I did try to kill you.”

He shrugs. “Well, what did you expect from someone bound to a demon?”

I bend my neck to look into his dark eyes, glittering with mirth. “I had no idea you were so fond of assassination attempts.”

The two points of his fangs snag on his bottom lip, creating the tiniest of indents. “You may try any time you like… but when I catch you, you can’t blame me for having no other choice but to ravish you. So, be careful when and where you try—or you might scandalize whoever happens to be near.”

My cheeks warm at his implication. Surely, he wouldn’t… then again, looking at that smirk, it would be best not to test it.

Even when our conversation changes from teasing to more serious topics, we remain as we are, a tangle of limbs. We compare details and any inconsistencies.

For the most part, what we know is the same. It isn’t until he mentions bruising around the lips and fingertips. He trails off when he sees my face. “What’s wrong?”

“Are you sure?” I ask.

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