Page 77 of Love to the Rescue

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“Do you really though?”

How could she get used to this?

The jet’s seats were nicer than any piece of furniture she’d ever sat in.

“It takes time, but you forget about these things once you are with West’s family. They have a way of making you feel like it’s all normal.”

“We are normal,” Braylon said. “Or at least I am. I’m not sure about the rest of my siblings.”

“Jerk,” Laken said. “I’m the only normal one in the group. Mom knows it too.”

“If you say so,” Foster said. “We let Laken believe the things that come out of her mouth so she doesn’t cry.”

“I don’t cry,” Laken said, shoving her brother. “I get revenge when they least expect it. Always.”

“You might have to, being surrounded by so many men,” Lilian said.

“I’m just so much older than Talia that we don’t have anything in common. But you and Talia might, Lily.”

Which was just a reminder that she was only two years older than their youngest sister.

“Lily is much more mature than Talia,” Braylon said. “Just like Abby.”

“Age is only a number,” she said.

“That’s right,” Laken said. “It’s a number Thomas keeps trying to find out.”

“What?” Braylon asked.

“Nothing,” Laken said.

“You started it,” West said. “Finish it.”

“Let’s say that my staff hear things. Thomas has been running his mouth that Braylon might be slacking off in his job because he has a girlfriend now. Thomas must have seen Lily in the office last week when she stopped in and he’s been trying to find out her age.”

“How come you didn’t say anything to me?” Braylon asked. “I’d take care of it.”

“Like you ever say anything to Thomas,” Laken said. “You let him say more than he should.”

“Because he’s respectful of his superiors,” Foster said. “Everyone knows who we are, but that doesn’t mean we run back to West. You’d be good to remember that.”

Foster’s words were said quietly but packed a punch. Enough that Braylon grabbed her hand and moved her away from the group to the other side of the plane.

Foster went by himself and West and Abby stayed with Trevor. Laken came over a minute later.

“I’m sorry,” Laken said. “I’m getting sick of you not standing up for yourself. You’ve got to know what is going on, right, Lily?”

“I’m not saying a word.”

She agreed with Laken to a point. She felt Braylon should speak up, but it was his decision on whether he wanted to or not.

It wasn’t until recently that she’d spoken her mind and it wasn’t always pleasant.

There was a lot more drama in the office with her dealings when it came to Stella, but she put her head down and did her job.

Aaron and Nate both told her what a great job she was doing. That didn’t mean they’d put their neck out on the line for her if Stella wanted to fire her.

She just hoped some of it didn’t have to do with the fact of who she was dating.

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