Page 62 of Love to the Rescue

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This was the most time she’d spent with Braylon since they’d been dating and she’d had a ball.

She had equal amounts of time with her family and the two of them exploring Lake Placid.

Braylon took everyone out to dinner on Saturday night as a thank you. She’d seen one of her old coworkers out that night and introduced her boyfriend. At least it was nice to run into someone she knew because Braylon was giving her looks the whole time whenever any comments about her childhood came up.

She just wanted to put it behind her. It’s not like she lied about anything.

She’d been clear she had no relationship with her mother. She didn’t talk to Karl much and maybe a few times a month had a text with Brett or Annie.

All of that was the truth.

“Thanksgiving was late this year,” he said. “I can’t wait to get back and see my brother tomorrow.”

He rarely said his brother’s name when they were out in public. She could understand that.

West wasn’t a common name and if anyone saw or knew Braylon’s last name they’d put it together.

“Did you know he was going to propose on Saturday?” she asked.

This morning when they were getting ready to leave, West texted Braylon a picture of him and Abby together at the same time Abby sent her the same picture. A selfie with Abby’s hand in front of the two of them with a caption of, “I said yes!”

“No,” he said. “I’m not surprised but didn’t expect it this soon. They’ve been together since April. Seven months.”

“I guess when you know, you know,” she said.

Just like she was positive she was in love with Braylon yet neither of them had said the words.

For her, it was not that it felt too soon as much as it still didn’t feel real.

Maybe if he said it first, she’d know it was the same feeling for him.

There were times she looked at him and saw what she thought was love in his eyes, but he was holding it back.

“I guess so,” he said, smiling at her in the taxi.

One of tenderness that he showed often.

She didn’t expect him to say the words, just like she wouldn’t say them the first time in a taxi.

“I had a great time this weekend. I’m so glad you could go with me.”

“Your family is really special,” he said. “I’m glad you invited me.”

“That you invited yourself,” she said, bumping her shoulder into his.

“You wanted me to go and you know it. Quinn said she bugged you for weeks.”

“I did want you to go,” she said. “But I knew you always go home. I didn’t want your mother to hold it against me.”

“She won’t,” he said. “Especially when I tell her that you’re coming for Christmas.”

She was nervous about that. But at least Laken would be there if not Abby. Maybe since West proposed in Abby’s hometown and then shared it with Abby’s family this morning, that they’d go away for Christmas too. She’d heard that Aileen Carlisle liked her family together as much as she could get it.

“I look forward to it. I hope Abby can go but understand that might not happen now.”

“I’m not sure,” he said. “When I find out I’ll let you know. I’ll get us a hotel for a few days.”

“I’m sure everyone stays with your mom, right?”

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