Page 60 of Love to the Rescue

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“I’m not little, Dad,” Lara said.

“That’s right. So do your own laundry.”

“We had to do our laundry when we turned ten,” Braylon said.

“Ten!” Lara said. “There should be child labor laws there.”

Everyone laughed. “Well, my father was in the Army and away more than he was home. Unless we lived on a base with him, which happened at times too. Lots of kids and my mother would be doing laundry all day long every day if she was the only one doing it. When you have to do it yourself, you tend not to change or dirty things as much.”

“See how easy you’ve got it, Lara,” Lilian said. “Think of it that way. You just started to do your laundry this year, you said.”

Lara flipped her hair and giggled. “I know. I love Mom. But she does it better than me.”

“Don’t suck up, Lara,” Quinn said. “Even if I do love it when you do.”

He’d also found out that Max’s kids not only thought of Quinn as their mother but started to call her that after Max and Quinn had gotten married.

He found that bond special.

What he was trying to figure out though was where Lilian had been before college since she’d said she didn’t come live with Quinn until she was eighteen.

There was so much he didn’t know about Lilian’s background and it was hard to get anything out of her.

He went to the family room with the other boys and watched football while dinner was being cleaned up. Max snuck in quickly and grabbed them each another beer.

“Your brother owns the New York Hawks, right?” Davy asked.

“Not completely,” he said. “But he’s got majority shares now.”

One of those things that was finalized a few months ago. West only invested in the hockey team because their father had enjoyed it. But when the opportunity came to get the majority, West was all in.

“Do you go to a lot of games?” Davy asked. “I love hockey. I played it here.”

“I like hockey,” Carson said. “I want to play. I asked Santa for skates so I can go on the lake this winter.”

“We play on the lake when it freezes,” Davy said. “Not too far out though. Dad isn’t good on the skates. Says he can’t risk breaking a bone and not being able to work.”

“That might pose a problem,” Braylon said, turning to wink at Max. “I try to go to a few games if I can. West too.”

“I’d love to go,” Davy said. “It never seems to happen though.”

“Well,” he said, “if you find yourself in the area during the season, let me know.”

“Dad,” Davy said. “Can we?”

“Sorry,” he said to Max, wincing.

“Don’t be. Quinn and I were talking about going to visit my parents for the week of Christmas since the kids are out of school. And with Lily living close by, maybe we can swing it.”

“Let me know,” he said. “I’ll make sure you get tickets.”

Max looked at both his sons. “Please, Daddy,” Carson said.

“I might not have a choice now,” Max said, laughing. “Lily said you normally go to North Carolina for Christmas and Thanksgiving. Since you’re here now, I’m assuming you’ll travel for Christmas.”

“My mother wants to meet Lilian. I’m hoping I can talk her into going down. It’s the middle of the week, but we’ll take West’s jet with the rest of the family. Probably only be two or three days tops.”

“Then we’ll be able to see her when you’re back,” Max said.

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