Page 34 of Love to the Rescue

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She didn’t feel like she could let her guard down with many in life. Even with Quinn it took a long time.

“It is. When the three of us meet in the office with the door shut, sometimes we are more like siblings fighting over the last piece of pie at Thanksgiving than coworkers. Or West as the boss.”

She’d have to keep that in her mind for the future.

She lifted on her toes and kissed him. “Thanks for sharing that. I’ll start dinner now.”

He’d had some things to do today so it was a little after three at this point. Dinner would take close to two hours to cook, so they had time.

“Tell me what you need and I’ll find it for you.”

With him helping, she got the roast in the oven but set the potatoes and carrots aside. She didn’t need two hours for them.

“Did you have any plans of something to do before dinner?” she asked. She figured she might as well find out before she told him what she was thinking.

“Only spending it with you,” he said.

“Well, in that case, can you show me your room?”

His smile lit the room up. “I can most definitely give you a tour of the place.”

“You can give me that tour later. I was thinking more along the lines of you showing me yourbed.”

Lilian knew there was a blush filling her face. It’s not like she was a virgin, but it’d been almost two years since she’d had sex. Even then, it wasn’t often. Just a guy she saw for a year in college. She’d only brought him to Quinn’s house once after they’d been together for eight months.

Then Brian moved back home and she wasn’t leaving and they parted ways.

Braylon threaded their fingers together and brought her to the doorway of the living room.

His room was gorgeous and looked to be bigger than her whole apartment. The thought crossed her mind again on why she was here, but she had to push it away.

This was a guy who seemed completely genuine with every action in his life.

If he was lying to her at all, then she was the fool. She thought she did a good job of not appearing foolish.

Braylon turned her and put his hands on her cheeks, then lowered his mouth to hers. He was going to be gentle and tender. She could see it now.

Maybe that was what she needed even though she’d never had it before.

It seemed she never had a lot until it came to Braylon so she was going to embrace it while she could.

Her arms went around his neck and hugged him close and they stood there only kissing for at least five minutes.

She finally lifted her head. “Are you going to do anything else?”

“I was just trying to warm you up,” he said.

“Oh, I’m warm. More like on fire. I know you are.”

She could feel his erection against her hip.

“Guys can’t always hide those things,” he said, smirking.

She reached down for the hem of her shirt to pull it over her head, but he nudged her hands aside and pulled the navy top up and over her head.

Her white cotton bra wasn’t anything fancy, but she didn’t have anything else and wasn’t going to buy it for tonight. Why be someone she wasn’t?

“Take your shirt off too,” she said. “We have to match each other.”

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