Page 22 of Love to the Rescue

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“Good evening, Braylon. They’ve got a table for you in the back.”

“Thank you,” he said.

“I guess people knowing you does have its advantages.” And this worried her that more people would see them out. She’d made sure to ditch her ring. No reason to have it on when she was with him.

Maybe they could talk about her not wearing it anymore anyway. She’d wait though. She just needed to get through this night.

“West owns this restaurant,” he said. “We come here often and they’ve got a few private dining rooms in the back. I thought you might feel more comfortable with that.”

She let out a breath. It was a pub they’d entered. If it were located anywhere other than where it was, it might be a place she’d check out.

“Yeah, thanks for that,” she said.

When they got to the back of the restaurant, there was a server there that let them in. There was a big round table in the center, but they sat next to each other.

“Did you end up kicking someone out?” he asked.

“No,” the server said. “The smaller rooms were taken. You said you didn’t mind where you were sat.”

“I don’t,” he said. “I just didn’t want to put anyone out either.”

“Never,” the server said. “What can I get you to drink?”

“I’ll take Elias’s newest IPA that was tapped this week,” he said.

“It’s getting a lot of rave reviews,” the server said.

“I’m sure he’ll be happy to hear that. I can pass that on,” he said.

“I’ll just take a club soda with lime,” Lilian said. Once the server moved out of the room, she asked, “Who is Elias?”

“One of our brothers. He owns a brewery in North Carolina. How about some history on me and then I can get some on you? Sound like a place to start?”

“Sure,” she said. Though she’d play it by ear what she told. “I bet I could find out a lot about you online, but I don’t like doing that.”

“I appreciate it,” he said. “First, West is the oldest, he’s thirty-six. Soon to be thirty-seven. I’m next at thirty-three. Then there is Laken, she’s thirty-one. She is Vice President of Acquisitions. She has a degree in communications too.”

“That’s awesome,” she said. “I think that is what I hoped for. To be able to be like some kind of consultant or person that was a go-between in departments or businesses.”

“Laken is a great person to give you some pointers,” he said.

Not that she thought she’d be meeting his siblings, but she’d play along. “I’m sure she’s worked hard to get where she is.”

“She has,” he said. “I appreciate you saying that too. I know a lot of people think we might be given a free ride, but that isn’t the case. West has worked the hardest. He was eighteen when my father was killed overseas. He stepped up into the father role, but he also went to college.”

“And you’re the second oldest, so at fifteen you had to have stepped up also.”

“I did. After Laken, is Foster, he’s twenty-nine and is Vice President of Technology. He hates the city and lives on Long Island where all the servers are.”

“That’s nice your brother did that,” she said.

“West is a nice guy though he has a reputation otherwise. Family first and then business, but people don’t see that. He always puts everyone in a position to thrive. Foster would hate living anywhere other than where he is.”

“West sounds like my older sister, Quinn.”

“Do I get to hear about her?”

“You do,” she said. “Continue on though. There are three more of your siblings I haven’t heard about.”

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