Page 14 of Hot Nights

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“My very own version of Little Red Riding Hood,” I say quietly into the bedroom. When I walked into the house, it was quiet, almost too quiet, as in Kelsey wasn’t here like she told me she would be. Her bag and shoes in the living room told me another story. I moved through the house until I made it here. There Kels lies, asleep, with no sign of waking up. Hell, the covers aren’t even pulled down. She’s on top of the comforter, and there’s a throw blanket tossed over her body. I move closer, realization hitting me that there’s a pile of clothes near the dresser.

“Siren.” My ass meets the mattress, hand slipping beneath the cover, meeting bare thigh. Jesus, she’s so damn beautiful it hurts. I sit back, waiting to see if she can sense my presence like I can hers. It’s clear as day my woman is slap worn out. Neither of us can keep our hands off one another. The minute we’re both in the same place and behind closed doors, all bets are off. Clothes are dropped to the ground, and one of us is on our knees for the other. When Kels has her mouth wrapped around my cock, my hand fisting her hair, it’s damn near impossible not to blow my load like a pre-pubescent teenager. I hold back every single time. My woman is going to get hers before I get mine. I’m a gentleman that way. Either way, foreplay turns into me fucking her on any available surface, and I’m pretty sure in the past few days, we've christened every room in one form or the other.

“Mmm,” she mumbles as my hand slides higher. I’m met with her flesh instead of shorts or underwear. Damn, she’s got nothing on except my shirt.

“Wake up, Kelsey. You want this to go any further, I’m going to need your pretty eyes.” Maybe we’ll tap into me taking her while she’s asleep one day. That’s a conversation for another day, though. I watch as her lips tilt up slightly, eyes opening and closing. “There’s my siren. You want my fingers or my mouth?”

Kelsey’s legs move back and forth, spreading wider, back bowing upward to get me where she wants me. Too bad I’m not going to give her what she wants until I’m graced with her blue eyes. There’s something about fucking your woman with your hands, mouth, or cock, and while you’re doing what she needs, your eyes are locked on another, your attention is solely on hers, and hers is solely on yours.

“Both.” She finally gets with the program, and in doing so, Kelsey flings the throw blanket off her.

“Is that so? Are you sure you’re not too tired?” I already know the answer she gets off every time I tease, verbally or with my touch.

“I’m never too tired for you, Talon.” A touch of sleep is laced through her voice, but I’ve got her right where I want her. I move, stomach to the mattress, hands going to the cheeks of her ass, and she manages to spread her legs wider. Jesus, this woman does it for me.

“That’s a good thing, siren, because I’ve got a thirst only you can quench.” I dip my head, smelling her wetness. My mouth waters at what I’m about to have beneath me.

“Talon don’t make me wait.” Her feet dig into my back, spurring me on, and I make it my mission to take my time tongue-fucking her.

“Siren,” I say with warning. I’m going to take my time. Building up her orgasm is the best part of having Kelsey beneath me.

“Fuck,” she groans, dragging the cuss word out as I lick her slit from clit to ass. Her hands go to my head, pulling at my hair, and I’m sure she’s going to try and foil my plans. Good fucking luck. I’m going to make this last all damn night. My lips wrap around her clit while I slide two fingers inside her tight-as-hell cunt, and I don’t stop, not even when she comes. I’m going to fuck her through one orgasm after the other. I’m not going to stop until she begs for mercy. Never in my life did I think walking into my house and seeing her in my bed would wake up a piece inside of me. Kelsey Rae Taylor did, though, and I’m never going to take it for granted.



“Iguess I don’t have to worry about putting my two weeks’ notice in at the Marine Research and Rescue center now.” I walk into the convenience store after coming off a charter to Kelsey talking to my mom. She’s been having trouble at her nine-to-five job, hating life, and has been looking at switching facilities. The problem with that scenario is the distance. They’re a hell of a lot further away. I suggested she still apply, see what they had to offer, and go from there. Kels said absolutely not. Cedar Key is home for both of us and to keep my mouth shut. Apparently, she was already fully aware of what I would say next.

“Oh no, what happened?” Mom asks. Neither of them is aware I’m here. In the middle of the day, we’re pretty empty on a weekday. When Kelsey texted me and asked to meet at the marina, I instantly called her. My day wasn’t booked with charters, and no way I’d be waiting the ten or so minutes it’d take her to get here.

“Lack of funding, being the youngest man on the totem pole. Honestly, it’s a blessing in disguise. Still, I’m going to have to find another job, and I refuse to move. Your son is adamant that I do whatever it takes to chase my dreams. Well, my dreams are here in Cedar Key, with him. I’m not willing for us to move, and yes, he tried to offer. But our future will begin and end here.” Kelsey’s tone goes an octave higher. She means business, foot out to the side, hip cocked, and her hands are in the air.

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry. I can put you on the schedule more to help. Whatever you need, you have it. I’d keep you here forever if I could.” Mom taps at her chin with the tips of her fingers, a sure sign she’s cooking up something in that brain of hers. “You could also put a display case up. You’ve been painting for so long, I bet you’d sell out within the first week. The tourists love to buy from locally-owned businesses; they’d do the same for artists.” Hmm, seems my siren has been keeping a secret from me. I’d say it’s about time to make my presence known and to take this conversation to the office.

“I’ve been kicking around the idea of opening an online store, too, except they take fifteen percent if you do one of those boutique-styles websites, or I’d need to hire a website designer and pay out of pocket. Between you and my friend Karol, the idea is there and simmering, a lot.” Kelsey doesn’t let on what she’s talking about, but if my woman needs help, she’ll get it.

“Start here, get a little bit of buildup. There’s no fee here. Maybe talk to that son of mine, though. I’m beginning to think he doesn’t know the half of what you’re capable of.” Mom holds Kelsey’s shoulders for a moment, then brings her in for a hug before she sets off to sit behind the counter at the cash register.

“Talon.” Kels keeps her back to me. I saw the deep inhale and exhale she took, relaxing for a moment. There’s no reason for my woman to take the weight of the world on her shoulders when I can help carry the burden.

“Yeah, siren, I’m here.” I wrap my arms around her chest, much like we do every morning on the dock. The back of her head drops, landing on my chest. I’m going to need to move this to the office and quick. What I’ve got to say isn’t going to be said in front of my mom the first time.

“I take it you heard all of that?” She tips her head to side, eyes meeting mine.

“Yep.” This time, it’s me looking over my shoulder at my mom. “You good for a while?”

“Get out of here with that talk. You act like Grandad isn’t right outside the doors, ready to whoop someone’s ass if you’re not around.” She sounds exasperated. Mom is also the one who would slap me upside the head had I not asked.

“I hear ya.” We share a smile while Kels moves to my side. I keep my arm around her shoulder, and we start our walk to the office together.

“This can wait. You don’t have to baby me.” I shake my head. The last thing I’m going to do is baby her when what she really needs is to hear exactly what she means to me.

“Siren.” A handful of steps later, we're in the office, my foot catches the door, and it closes.

“Really, Talon. I’m okay. Money will be tight, but I’m frugal, and I can pick up extra hours here and there. Your mom and my friend are right. I have a knack for painting oyster shells. Everyone loves them, or at least that’s what they say, and Grandpa Scott puts the bigger ones aside for me. Those I’d like to try and use as spoon rests or bigger trinkets.” She is pacing back and forth in front of me. I let her while she keeps at it.

“Take a breath, Kels. I’m not worried about a job. That’s the least of my concerns. I’m not with you for your work ethic. Fuck that. You want to work at Captain T’s right alongside me, game on. You want to paint oyster shells and make a living on that, I’m more than happy for you. I’ve given you the truth. Find a job wherever you want, and I’ll follow. It’s clear to me that we’ve gone hot and heavy, from zero to sixty miles per hour, and it’s time I lay shit on the line.” I cup her neck, thumbs sweeping over her pretty skin.

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