Page 5 of Knight Moves 1

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I bit my lip. I’d never considered the reason Ben hadn’t called after the date had anything even remotely to do with how I dressed. But, thinking back, it did seem a little odd that he never tried to hold my hand, or put an arm around me during the show. At the time, I’d taken it that he was trying to be a gentleman and not move too fast. But maybe…just maybe Tori was right…?

“Come on, we’ll find something else. I promise, it’ll be worth it when you see the look on Ryker’s face when he sees you walk in!” Tori grabbed my arm and tugged me off the bed. She dragged me into her room and after another half an hour of negotiations—she had me in a slinky, navy dress made from some type of fabric that shimmered in the light. It was shorter and lower cut than what I would normally wear, but it was draped in a way that made me feel like I could still breathe and move. She curled my hair and did my makeup with an expert hand—a skill she’d picked up from doing burlesque shows.

“Oh my God, Ev. You’re stunning!” She handed me a mirror so I could check the back of my hair, and I stilled with it in my hand, almost not recognizing myself with the smoky makeup and big hair. She took the mirror away from me before I could freak out and threw me a wink as she brushed on another layer of blush. “Ryker is gonna get a hard dick just seeing you like this! Guaranteed!”

“That’s gonna be his problem. I’m not going home with anyone tonight,” I told her resolutely.

She laughed. “Well, technically, you’re going home with me…” She wiggled her eyebrows at me and I smiled as I rolled my eyes. Tori flirted with me, but it was all in good fun. She knew I wasn’t interested in girls, but she kept the offer for experimentation open if I ever got the urge to walk on the wild side.

“Come on, let’s get this over with,” I said, taking one final glance in the mirror before leaving the bathroom.

“That’s the spirit!” Tori chanted, following me out of the apartment.

* * * *

Vivacite was French for brilliance or liveliness and as we approached the restaurant, I felt a jolt of excitement—but it was more for the idea of diving into their famous Chocolate Soufflé than of the two men who were waiting inside for our arrival. Tori had instructed them to meet us at the bar, so we made our way there, filtering through the small crowd of people waiting for their table.

Tori grasped my arm, pulling me to a sudden stop, a few feet away from the bar. “There,” she whispered, jutting her chin in the direction of two men occupying a table for four in the center. They were both wearing black slacks, but one was wearing a black button down shirt, the other, a navy blue. I was about to ask which one was Ryker, when Tori cooed, “Oh look, you two match. I knew this was the right dress!”

I was about to point out that the dress I was wearing had actually been her third or fourth choice, but my mouth went dry as the man in the blue shirt turned in his seat, just enough that I could see his full profile.

Holy wow. Tori was right…he was hot.

Like crazy, stupid hot. Like Adam Levine hot. Hotter than a—

Tori giggled and elbowed me in the ribs, jolting me out of my musings. “Come on princess Ev, your prince awaits!”

She tugged me back into action and we took a few steps towards them, but my legs refused to match her purposeful strides, and appeared to be torn between propelling me forward, and turning me around and bolting from the restaurant. Ryker and Bennett hadn’t spotted us through the crowd, and it was only a matter of seconds before we would be close enough that there would be no way out of the date.

My heart slammed against my chest, trying to get my attention, to tell me that my lungs were rapidly running out of oxygen and that it was time to bolt, but Tori kept guiding me forward, and all I could do was stare at the perfect man.

He was broad shouldered, his shirt tight enough to show the powerful play of muscles with every move he made. His jaw was sharp, but strong, with a five o’clock shadow that made my knees turn to Jell-O. He had dark hair, so dark that I couldn’t decide if it was black or brown.

Bennett, the man across from him, was equally as gorgeous. I could actually see why Tori had been losing her mind over him. He looked taller than Ryker, and much bigger, broader. He looked up and his face spread into a devastatingly wicked grin, his eyes glimmering with the hint of a forbidden secret, as though just by looking at you, he knew everything you secretly wanted. I shot a sidelong glance at Tori, and saw the same look on her face, reflecting at him.

She might have finally met her match…

Bennett said something to Ryker, and he turned in his seat to face us as we approached. When his dark, brooding eyes met mine, I nearly stumbled in the heels Tori had forced upon me. His lips formed a half smile, and my body’s reaction was even more jarring than when Bennett had flashed his smile our way.

Both men stood at our arrival. “Evening, ladies,” Bennett drawled, shooting a smile at me before returning his eyes to Tori. Ryker nodded and took an appreciative tour of my body with his eyes, not bothering to conceal his appreciation—his eyes darkening until they were nearly jet black.

I cleared my throat, forcing his eyes back to mine. “Ryker Newman.” He offered me his hand.

Hesitantly, I took his hand and shook it firmly. “Everlie Harmon.”

“What are you ladies drinking tonight?” Bennett asked, pulling out the chair next to him. “Our table should be ready in about twenty minutes, so let’s get a drink while we wait.”

“Vodka cranberry,” Tori said, sitting in the chair Bennett had set out for her.

Ryker followed suit, pulling out my chair, and I sank down, smoothing the back of the dress as I sat. “Anything for you?” He asked.

“Uhm, same, I guess.”

Bennett flashed his killer smile at us. “Comin’ right up.”

They both sauntered towards the bar, and Tori squealed—tearing her eyes away from Bennett’s butt—as she looked at me, her face alight with excitement. “Told you he’d get a hard-on! Damn girl, did you see the way he looked at you? Like he’d eat you out right here on this table!”

“Tori…” I scoffed.

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