Page 17 of Knight Moves 1

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“Just be careful, Ev,” Tori said, her voice and expression shifting as the amusement fell away. “Remember that guys like Bennett, and Ryker, aren’t the type you take home to your family. Ryker’s a nice guy, and obviously, he’s invested, I mean he bought you diamonds for God’s sake, but he isn’t a guy that can be tamed. He’s not gonna be some doting boyfriend who buys you tampons and ice cream when you’re moody.”

I blinked at her, once again, unsure what to say to retort her statement. “I—I know that. It’s not like I’m falling for him or something.”

Tori considered me for a moment, and then nodded slowly. “Okay. Just remember, Ev, guys like him will say and do anything in the beginning, but it’s not real.”

I looked down, unable to hold my composure under her firm stare. I stirred my mess of cereal that had passed the point of being edible, so I got up, dumped it down the garbage disposal and excused myself. “I’m going to go to the gym for a little while. Will you be here when I get back? I could use some help with my makeup later.”

Tori smiled. “Well of course!”

I nodded at her and disappeared before she could say anything else to dampen my spirits and cast doubt on my new relationship with Ryker, if it could even be called that. I changed into leggings, a sports bra and a light weight tank top and went to the gym to use the treadmill. I worked out all day at my job, but went to the gym on my days off to get the endorphin kick. A high that was particularly important with my mind so full and stressed.

Tori’s warning rattled through my mind as I ran, each thought highlighted with the sound of the machine tracking under my feet, and the steady beat of my shoes landing with each stride. I knew that I shouldn’t let Tori’s words affect me. She didn’t have relationships, she had flings, and since that wasn’t what I was looking for, her advice wasn’t particularly helpful. However, something about it this time rang true and I couldn’t push it away as easily as I usually did. She’d known Bennett for a few days, and I could only wonder what he’d told her about Ryker. Somehow, I’d pictured their time together hadn’t exactly been filled with meaningful conversation. But still…the more I turned it over, the more it made sense, that Bennett had said something that made Tori think Ryker had ulterior motives in his pursuit of me. And if that was true, I needed to know what had been said.

I cut my workout short, and went back across the apartment complex, and back up the two flights of stairs to our apartment. Tori was still lounging at the small dining table and her eyebrows shot up when I walked in the front door, barely sweating. “That was short. Was that creeper guy down there again?”

I shook my head. “What did Bennett tell you about Ryker?”

“What do you mean?”

“You guys spent a lot of time together. He didn’t say anything about Ryker in all that time?” I put my hands on my hips and waited.

“Don’t get all huffy with me, Ev! Bennett and I weren’t together to gossip about our friends and braid each other’s hair. God.” Tori stood and shoved her chair back in.

“So, he didn’t tell you anything about Ryker?” I dropped my hands from my hips. I could usually tell when Tori was lying, but she wasn’t showing any of the signs. If anything, she was annoyed with me for asking.

“No, Ev. It was actually the opposite. Neither of them said much of anything. I mean, do you even know anything about Ryker? Like, where did he grow up? Are his parents still around? Siblings?” Tori paused, waiting for me to answer her questions, but I realized I couldn’t. After a beat, she continued, “I don’t know one thing about Bennett. And I sure as hell don’t know anything about Ryker!”

“Then how do you know he’s some scummy guy who is just lying to me to get me to sleep with him?” I fired back.

Tori laughed. “Ev, really? He’s a single guy, here to party for a week or whatever, he meets a hot girl, I don’t think I need to tell you what he’s interested in.”

“So, what? If I sleep with him then he’s just going to vanish?”

Tori shrugged. “I don’t know for sure, but I want to prepare you that it’s a real possibility. I mean, do you know anyone who met their soul mate in Vegas?”

I couldn’t argue with her. It wasn’t exactly known as the city of everlasting love.

* * * *

Tori and I made peace by the time I started getting ready for my date, and she helped me get ready, and checked her cynical comments at the door—for which, I was extremely thankful—and we were back to our giggling, happy selves by the time I was all dolled up in another borrowed dress.

“You look hot, Ev,” Tori said, giving me her final assessment. “Do you think tonight is the night?”

I’d been expecting the question as she’d been dancing around it all night, but still didn’t have an answer. After the night before, how far things had gone—and how much more I wanted to do—I was becoming more comfortable with the idea, but couldn’t give a for sure answer…yet.

I shrugged my reply and Tori gave me a wicked grin. “You do! Oh, you little slut! You’re gonna have the ride of your little Southern Belle life!”

My cheeks went five shades of red and I shoved her shoulder playfully. “Stop! You’re just going to make me more nervous.”

“You don’t have to be nervous, Ev. A guy like Ryker will take care of you. Just follow his lead.”

Somehow, I knew she was right. From the glimmer I’d had the night before, it was obvious that Ryker was a man who knew what he wanted, and that he would make sure I was taken care of as well.

“How long has it been?” Tori asked, following me out to the living room.

I stalled, checking my phone for messages.


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