Page 14 of Knight Moves 1

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The show began and we sat silent, both mesmerized by the performance. Ryker’s hand rested casually on my thigh, and occasionally his thumb would brush back and forth, sending a shower of sparks through my entire body. I was spellbound by the beautiful dancers and the story they told with their bodies, but couldn’t help but be tugged away from it all when Ryker touched me.

Not that I minded.

After the show, we went across the street to an upscale restaurant. As we waited for our meals, I took advantage of a lull in conversation. “So, on the first night we met, you told me to tell you about myself, and it seems that’s all we’ve done since. I don’t really know anything about you, except that you’re home from overseas and with the Navy…or used to be? See? I don’t even know that much!”

Ryker smiled and took a drink of the wine he’d ordered for us. “I suppose that’s because the Navy is my whole life. I enlisted when I was seventeen, went to boot camp when I turned eighteen, two weeks after graduation, and that’s where I’ve been ever since.”

“What made you choose the Navy? Or the military in general, I guess,” I asked. I’d known lots of people who were in the military, and each had their own reason for joining. I found that it usually said a lot about that person to know their motivation for making such a life altering choice like that.

“It’s in my blood. My grandfathers, on both sides, and my old man, all Navy men.”

The server came with our food before I could pepper him with more questions, and when she left, Ryker shifted the conversation to the meal, and a couple of places in Vegas he’d gone to over the last few days. I discovered that he was actually quite a foodie, and had seemingly eaten his way through half the city since arriving.

“So, that’s how you found out about my café!” I marveled, thinking back to the lunch he’d had delivered.

He nodded. “Yeah, I had lunch there yesterday, and had that same thing. I remembered you talking about it the other night.”

I smiled, not even remembering bringing it up, but I was a bit of a food snob myself, and it was easy enough to imagine mentioning it. “What about the chocolates? I couldn’t find a logo on the box.”

“Oh, those are from a shop in Oklahoma, actually. I thought you needed a little taste of where I come from.”

My mouth dropped open, thinking that the box alone must have ranged in the hundred dollar range, but overnight shipping on top of that…

“You’re crazy!” I burst out. “I mean, in a really, really good way. But that must have cost a fortune!”

Ryker waved it off. “Don’t worry about that. All that matters is they brought you pleasure…” His voice dipped and his eyes went darker as the words purred off his tongue.

I felt my cheeks flush and turned my attention back to my food, not sure what to say.

“I’ve been thinking about the things that pleasure you, Everlie,” Ryker added.

“Ryker, I—” I fumbled over my words, torn in two very different directions. My head knew it was too fast—I had no business being tangled up with a man I’d just met—even one like Ryker. But my body was on fire, his words, his voice—they were enough to light me up and make me squirm with desire.

He dropped it, expertly changing the topic again, as though the insinuating comments had never been made, and lulled me back to my comfort zone—talk of food, the ballet, the city, and he even told me a little more about his job with the Navy—running logistics on special op missions. I got wrapped up in what he was telling me, and was sad when I looked down and found that we had polished off the final bites of the decadent dessert we’d agreed to share.

I leaned back in my seat. “At this rate, this is the first, and last time I’ll be able to wear this dress,” I joked, thinking about the sugar I’d gorged on all day long, thanks to Ryker.

“I’m sure we could find a way to burn off those extra calories,” Ryker suggested, giving me another wicked smile. I buzzed with the thrill his words gave me, but couldn’t think of how to respond.

Ryker took care of the check when it came and we walked back to the parking garage. When we reached his rental car, he stalled before opening my door. “Where am I taking you?” He asked. “I know where I’d like to take you, but I don’t want to spoil this evening with an inaccurate presumption.”

He smiled at me and took another step closer. His cologne was intoxicating and I was left reeling from a buzz that had nothing to do with the two glasses of wine I’d had over dinner. He leaned down and I sucked in a silent breath right before his lips met mine. The gasp melted into a moan of sheer, unapologetic pleasure as his lips moved against mine, capturing me into a mind bending kiss. His hands skimmed down my sides and rested on my hips, his large fingers splayed out over my gentle curves. I ran my hands down the front of his chest, my fingers sliding over the muscles I could feel through his shirt. I stopped when I hit the buttons of his suit jacket, and wished he wasn’t wearing it.

He broke the kiss first, backing up a few inches, and waited for my answer. My mind scraped together enough consciousness to remember what he’d asked, and after a panicked flash, answered, “I don’t want to go home yet.”

That was all he needed to hear. He opened the car door, ushered me inside, and we took off towards his hotel. We were silent, lingering in the current between us that built with each step as we made our way through the hotel lobby, up the elevator, and finally inside his large suite.

Alone in his hotel room, my pulse shot through the roof. I could almost hear the sound of my heart slamming against my chest as Ryker went to the mini bar and poured two glasses of wine from a bottle sitting opened in an ice bucket. I sat down on the suede couch and wiped my sweaty palms along the arm. He brought the two glasses back and handed me one.

“This is a nice suite,” I commented, wincing at the dullness of my statement.

Ryker smiled. “Yeah, Bennett and I were sharing it, but he had to leave unexpectedly, so now, the place is all mine. Or, rather, ours.” His smile darkened and I shivered as his words swept over me. He was impossible to resist, and I’d known that, and still gone up to the room with him.

“Bennett’s gone?” I asked, momentarily distracted from Ryker. Tori hadn’t mentioned that they’d said their goodbyes. I knew their relationship was casual, but it still registered as something she would have told me.

“Mmhmm. He went back to Oklahoma. Had some Navy stuff to deal with.” Ryker reached for my free hand, and pulled me off the couch. “Come on, let’s get comfortable.”

I tried my best not to gulp audibly as he led me from the living room, and wrapped an arm around my waist as he led me to one of the bedrooms. The room was large and just as fancy as the rest of the room. Sleek furniture, rich linens and colors, and expansive space to move around. My eyes swept the room and came to rest on the bed.

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