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Chapter One


It was a little bit like being from another species, being the only guy in Vegas that didn’t have a smile permanently plastered on. The Strip was bright and dazzling, neon signs, loud music, and half naked women—most of them drunk off their asses—as far as I could see in every direction. I’d never been to Vegas before, and while I’d expected to feel out of place among the party-all-night crowd, I hadn’t expected the level of annoyance pulsing through me as my buddy Bennett Marshon and I pushed our way through the crowds of people lining the sidewalk outside the casinos and bars.

I followed Bennett’s lead, and he led us directly to the bar of an ear-drum shattering club that looked, sounded and smelled more like a rave. He hollered over the crowd and ordered two beers from the hot piece of ass behind the bar. A blonde with a flirtatious smile and a set of perky fake tits that likely paid her rent. She hurried to fill our order, ignoring the cluster of customer’s who’d been waiting longer, and when she set the beers down in front of us, she made sure her tits pointed right in Bennett’s direction. He slipped her a twenty and smiled at her until she finally pulled herself away to tend the rest of the bar.

I shook my head and took the first chug of beer. The blonde had barely turned her back before Bennett was eye fucking the hot redhead dancing on a platform in the center of the room. When he tore his eyes away from her, he shifted them back to me and scowled. “I just got one question for ya,” Bennett paused to take a swig of beer. “Are you gonna loosen up and have some fun at any point this weekend? Cause right now, you’re killing my buzz with that big fuck-off sign you have flashin’ over your head.”

I gave him a tight smile. “Better?”

He shoved my shoulder, sloshing some of my beer onto the bar top. Bennett didn’t even have to ask, the blonde bartender appeared instantly with a wet towel. She’d obviously been keeping an eye on us. Well, Bennett. What she didn’t know was that Bennett had already moved on. I’d have bet a hundred bucks that he’d be taking the redhead dancer back to the hotel when he was done drinking and shooting the shit with me.

I’d known Bennett since the second grade, and while he wasn’t exactly predictable, if there was one thing I knew about him—it was the look in his eyes when he found what he was looking for. And tonight, it was the curvy redhead who hadn’t taken her eyes off him since he first laid eyes on her.

“Thanks, sweetheart,” he purred at the bartender. She smiled and backed off again, forcing herself back to the new crowd of patrons waiting for her. Bennett flicked his eyes off her ass, and back to mine. “Remember, we’re here to have a good time, celebrate being back on US soil. We’re here to drink, get jacked, get fucked, get our shit handled and we’re gone. ”

“Eloquent,” I commented. “I’m finding it hard to believe that we somehow managed to trade one desert for another. This place is just like the sandbox. Way too fucking hot and dry.”

“We’re inside, bro. Air conditioning.”

I drank my beer and didn’t argue with him. There wasn’t any point to it. He was my best friend, but there were times where we couldn’t be more opposite from one another. He was happy go lucky, easy, and free. No matter where he was dropped, he could make the best of it and have a good time. We’d just spent the past eighteen months overseas, both serving as Navy SEALs, and the trip to Vegas was supposed to be our first job since being stateside again. I should’ve been having the time of my life, living it up, and blowing off steam, but for whatever reason, my mind was disengaged and I found it hard to relax long enough to have fun.

I spun on the bar stool and rested back against the bar, taking in the room. It was dark and crowded—flashes of colored lights illuminated the sweat soaked bodies occupying the dance floor. A DJ was up on a platform above the frenzy, spinning records like a madman, occasionally shouting over the microphone to get the crowd going again. The beat of the music was fast and frantic, never letting up, bringing everyone inside—and likely, the people on the street—into a fever pitch. I watched the bodies bumping and grinding together, all the skin blending into one massive orgy. I spotted several fuckable ladies on the floor, and I wondered if I should’ve listened to Bennett, and get up and let go.

I could easily find one, two, maybe even three of them to take back to my hotel room and make me forget everything about my time in the desert.

Bennett had his eyes glued on the redhead, who was shaking her juicy ass just for him. I smirked as I watched them. “Why don’t you go get her, and stop all this Discovery Channel mating dance bullshit,” I told Bennett, elbowing him in the ribs.

He threw me a half-cocked smile before sliding from his stool. He didn’t need the confidence boost—Bennett could get any woman he wanted. Something we’d always had in common. But without my prompt, he would’ve kept the game going half the night. I was a much more cut to the chase type of personality. “You want me to see if she has a friend?” He asked, still grinning at me.

I laughed. “I’m more than capable of doing my own hunting.”

“You sure about that?” Bennett fired back, his grin even wider.

I flipped him off and he sauntered away, laughing the whole time, as he made his way to collect his prize—who looked like she was ready to fuck him right then and there. As Bennett neared, she licked her lips, probably thinking about how she was gonna climb him like a tree. Bennett was just under 6’3, an extra inch over me—a fact he never let me forget—and towered over most women. I watched them for a little while, then turned my attention back to the dance floor. A raven haired beauty spun around and flashed me a smile when our eyes met across the room. She had dark features that matched her jet black hair that hung loose in waves down her back. She dragged her hands up her sides, tossed her hair, and spun away—silently beckoning me to join her. I slipped from the stool, leaving behind my beer, and was three paces to the dance floor, when Bennett and his redhead crashed into my path. He had his arm around her, his hand tucked into the back pocket of her ass cheek hugging denim shorts, and they were both grinning like a couple of horny teenagers.

“This is Tori,” Bennett said, pulling her against his side. “Tori, this is Ryker.”

“Hey.” I offered her my hand.

“Nice to meet you,” Tori said, shaking my hand. She had soft skin, and a firm grip. Bennett was gonna be a happy man…

I met Bennett’s eyes, darker in the dimly lit club, and even darker as he looked down at Tori. “You two kids have a good time, be safe,” I teased, the hint of humor making me feel more myself than I had all night.

Bennett laughed, letting my ribbing roll off his back. “Actually, we wanted to talk to you.”

I arched a brow, but couldn’t help smiling as I deadpanned, “Ben, you know I don’t do guy on guy threesomes.”

“Not anymore, hey Knight?” Bennett howled with laughter.

“Newman, asshole and don’t fuck it up again.” I corrected him. Bennett’s eyes widened and he scowled.

Tori giggled. “Actually, this is a party for two, but I do have a small request…”

“Of me?” I asked.

She nodded so vigorously that her tits bounced, threatening to pop right out of her low cut top. “This is gonna sound cheesy, but you’re perfect for my friend, Everlie. Bennett told me you guys will be in town for a little while, so what would you say to hooking up with us for a double date?”

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